Who is Sheila Hopkins?

Its like musical chairs, or lipstick on a pig, deck chairs on the titanic - pick your analogy.

Ask yourself why Brent would take the leader of the Americas VC team, who since their arrival has never delivered an annual plan - not once, for three years, and promote that person to "CMO" of vision care (and eliminated two people who actually knew what they were doing so he could do it), and bring in someone from outside the industry who knows nothing about the business and demote the poor guy to "focus" on the Americas...

Looks good from the outside - not so much under closer inspection...

If Sheila were smart she would be asking the same questions but thats not the game is it...

Maybe she has the personality type needed during the meetings with potential buyers of the company. The right personality type, the right sales pitch, the right image of corporate management and they might get this thing sold off.

You would be amazed at how much corporations rely on psycological profiles of people and of potential buyers in their decision making. Psycology is the Ouija board of the corporate world. This appointment may be more about corporate image of the make up of upper management than about competence.

That said, Valinte did come into B+L "bragging" about how he had always led business units that had >10% year-over-year growth. Did he deliver that to the global VC business for Bausch? I figure he's sticking around on a nice salary and will get out as soon as something else comes along.

Read up on Hopkins. By the sounds of things she's a "go-getter", but agree that with minimal background in ophthalmics she could struggle to motivate people to excel. That said, she might come in with a blow torch and start ligthing fires under people.

We will see what happens when timelines slip and resources are allocated to the other divisions with only a "for show" minimal effort (resources) given to vision care.