Sally was a sub-C suite executive at a cosmetics company who's father is a wealthy campaign donation bundler for the Demcratic party and a mover and shaker within the Jewish community. She was hired by JK as a means of him enhancing his Democratic connections and establish a chit. Sally, while a basically nice person, had no pharmaceutical or policy expereince, nor did she have a background appropriate for taking on a position in the C-suite of a Fortune 10 company. Nonetheless, there she was heading Corporate Communications. Over time, she took over Policy and worked with Jeffery to agressively push Pfizer and the industry into supporting the folly of Obamacare. Many within Pfizer objected to the Company and PhRMA making a secret deal with the White House (most were fired), but Jeff and Sally wanted to support Obama and assure a place in their post Pfizer careers within a Democratic administration. There are many such stories that come out of the Kindler era.