Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for medic


Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Evil is amongst us. The democratic party line that's it's for poor people is a crock of $hit bundled on $35,800 per plate New York fundraiser specials.


Just goes to show you that Democrats speak with forked tongue. They are all for the little people as long as they can do it with other peoples money.

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Kindler brought this in and Read continues to let it ride. Is it any wonder the compass of this company is in the sewer with the trash running it?

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Stop whining - this country is for rich people only. 1776 was all about the One Percent in America getting rich instead of the British and you've been ruled by the rich ever since. You wouldn't have it any other way.

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Kindler brought this in and Read continues to let it ride. Is it any wonder the compass of this company is in the sewer with the trash running it?

Kindler was a believer. Read is just stupid.
Either way.........same result.

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Stop whining - this country is for rich people only. 1776 was all about the One Percent in America getting rich instead of the British and you've been ruled by the rich ever since. You wouldn't have it any other way.

Thanks for that riveting rendition of history, useful idiot.

Mao called, he wants his red book back from you.

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Sally was a sub-C suite executive at a cosmetics company who's father is a wealthy campaign donation bundler for the Demcratic party and a mover and shaker within the Jewish community. She was hired by JK as a means of him enhancing his Democratic connections and establish a chit. Sally, while a basically nice person, had no pharmaceutical or policy expereince, nor did she have a background appropriate for taking on a position in the C-suite of a Fortune 10 company. Nonetheless, there she was heading Corporate Communications. Over time, she took over Policy and worked with Jeffery to agressively push Pfizer and the industry into supporting the folly of Obamacare. Many within Pfizer objected to the Company and PhRMA making a secret deal with the White House (most were fired), but Jeff and Sally wanted to support Obama and assure a place in their post Pfizer careers within a Democratic administration. There are many such stories that come out of the Kindler era.

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Sally was a sub-C suite executive at a cosmetics company who's father is a wealthy campaign donation bundler for the Demcratic party and a mover and shaker within the Jewish community. She was hired by JK as a means of him enhancing his Democratic connections and establish a chit. Sally, while a basically nice person, had no pharmaceutical or policy expereince, nor did she have a background appropriate for taking on a position in the C-suite of a Fortune 10 company. Nonetheless, there she was heading Corporate Communications. Over time, she took over Policy and worked with Jeffery to agressively push Pfizer and the industry into supporting the folly of Obamacare. Many within Pfizer objected to the Company and PhRMA making a secret deal with the White House (most were fired), but Jeff and Sally wanted to support Obama and assure a place in their post Pfizer careers within a Democratic administration. There are many such stories that come out of the Kindler era.

Haven't we heard this story before? Wasn't MacLeod (the former HR queen) another C-level hire by Kindler who had no real training, skills, or track-record for that position? Guess Kindler went for the trifecta w/Sussman--stroke his powerful Jewish friends and the diversity crowd, while getting back-door access to Democrat power brokers. Amazing that she's the best Pfizer could get for that position. But then again, is anyone surprised? Look at AG in the president's role...

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

The amazing thing is that Sally S., Sandy Beatty -- and many others who were hired/promoted far beyond their abilities during Kindler's reign are still in positions of power and influence in the company. They were very quick to fire the managers who used to run the company back when this place was an industry leader but the powers that be -- to include Ian Read and the Board of Directors -- continue to coddle and protect the incompetent. I guess no one now wants to admit the horrible mistakes and bad judgement that have led this company to where it is now. This place will keep going down until we get better management.

We can complain about what's happening out here in the field, but things are much worse in headquaters.

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

The amazing thing is that Sally S., Sandy Beatty -- and many others who were hired/promoted far beyond their abilities during Kindler's reign are still in positions of power and influence in the company. They were very quick to fire the managers who used to run the company back when this place was an industry leader but the powers that be -- to include Ian Read and the Board of Directors -- continue to coddle and protect the incompetent. I guess no one now wants to admit the horrible mistakes and bad judgement that have led this company to where it is now. This place will keep going down until we get better management.

We can complain about what's happening out here in the field, but things are much worse in headquaters.

You are right, many in positions of authority, like Susman, at HQ are incompetent and misguided. The future of this company looks very cloudy from where I sit.

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Who cares about Susman. She's no worse than any of the "leaders" that Kindler and Read hasve installed. The Pfizer Board of Directors needs to clean house of the whole lot.

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Who cares about Susman. She's no worse than any of the "leaders" that Kindler and Read hasve installed. The Pfizer Board of Directors needs to clean house of the whole lot.

Wazzamatta with all you people. The Board and the executives all protect one another. That's the way it works in a big corporate HQ that is filled with mediocrity. You'd do exactly the same if you were there so you could protect your undeserved millions. The One Percent all protect one another so the big money never gets shared with the real workers. Duh!!!!!!!!

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

To answer your question: she's an elitist twit, who thinks she privileged enough to tell the masses how to live.

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

The executives mentioned in this thread were very quick to fire the executives who ran the company from the mid-1980s to 2007. Which set of executives do you think did a better job? Maybe some more firings are in order. Seems to be no problem firing people elsewhere in the company so how about on the 23rd floor?

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

This story, Would make a fascinating Novel illustrating the corruptness of elite corporate power mongers and their White House "backroom deals" which really have more to do with "personal" agendas while utilizing PAC money in order to acheive career goals?

If these allegations are true, then it could totally discredit and tarnish not only this PAC but others as well.

Thought of this, Sends chills up my spine...

Re: Who is Sally Susman, and why does she want poor people to pay higher prices for m

Me too. It is shameful, unadulterated, corruptness of the process; for which lives have been lost on foriegn soil defending. I feel dirty working here. I hope that congress gets wind and calls them to testify before them. They would all take the 5th. Unethical and illegal!!!