who is rich from s fla?


looking at a forest position and met the guy rich a month ago. I gave him my info after he said he was a dm. Is that true? I have heard nothing and jobs are still listed.

All of rich's reps eventually either quit or ask to be territory reps!!! I hate to ask for a specialty spot knowing he might be my dm. He is a know it all who never won anything and rats people out for the smallest things.....Rich if your reading this and we all know u do just know that 99% of the people down here hate u!!!!! Everyone needs to watch their back while this guys around!!!

Rich is a great leader!!!Just ask the other managers and his team. I mean he's won all those president clubs and he's so well respected. He enjoys going meetings where he is so insightful and looks to help everyone. He would never screw over any reps and reps are just killing each other to work for him.

Best regards,
rich's wife

It is funny how all the other DMs are afraid of him. He was never a rep, never came close to winning anything, no personality, hated by reps, even the ones who have never worked for him don't like him. "Manages " by fear. I have learned more listening to other reps and copying how they work than I could ever learn from this turd. Oh ya, my DRS hate when you ride with me, I have to apologize the next day.