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Who is more vital to Amgen: Field Sales of Home Office


Let's decide this once and for all...Who is more important to the success of Amgen?

If it were not for Field Sales, this company would not be profitable. Home Office should be thanking us for providing their Starbuck style open space office area. You are welcome.


Let's decide this once and for all...Who is more important to the success of Amgen?

If it were not for Field Sales, this company would not be profitable. Home Office should be thanking us for providing their Starbuck style open space office area. You are welcome.

just stop child. What is the point? Both are needed, both probably have some fat to trim if you really looked at talent and structure. But who cares- it’s a Fortune 200 company. Of course there will always be room in every function to improve.

Why would anyone want to move to TO and work in-house? The great reps stay in the field and avoid moving to Cali and take a pay cut. I enjoy the freedom of working only 4 hours a day. You don't get to do that in TO.
I have the freedom to walk into my offices at 10am and be finished by 2. This allows me then to go to the gym for my 90 min workout. Besides, I don't want to be stressed all day.I have guessed trained and the people at HQ seem so stressed and crazy.

I have the best boss. He also avoids California. He is overqualified for the DM role but he is happy with his life. Why change that with a move to TO.

We need the support from home office and I am appreciative of their work. I do take issue with marketing/training personnel who act like they are special.

Many of us have had the opportunity to go in house and have turned it down for family reasons. I know reps who were former managers with other companies and took a step back so that they could have time with their families.

All of these conference calls are showing flaws in some of our hq staff.

Why would anyone want to move to TO and work in-house? The great reps stay in the field and avoid moving to Cali and take a pay cut. I enjoy the freedom of working only 4 hours a day. You don't get to do that in TO.
I have the freedom to walk into my offices at 10am and be finished by 2. This allows me then to go to the gym for my 90 min workout. Besides, I don't want to be stressed all day.I have guessed trained and the people at HQ seem so stressed and crazy.

I have the best boss. He also avoids California. He is overqualified for the DM role but he is happy with his life. Why change that with a move to TO.

Totally true post. If you are good, you can be a superstar in the field and work 10-2. Many people who were field-based and go to hq were borderline reps who took advantage of one or two good years and jumped at the opportunity to go inside. They could not deal with the constant quota or knew they could not keep up their success long term. Most successful reps laugh at marketing knowing that the marketers probably could not cut it in the field for more than a few years.

Well, I know who is more easily replaced. Our field sales force has one of the highest turnover rates compared to benchmarked companies and we always seem to backfill all of those positions fairly easily.

If we use your logic, that no one wants to move to TO, then I would say that it's harder to attract home office therefor making those position more vital and valuable. However, with that being said, why is it that you think that everyone and anyone who works in TO had to move there from somewhere else? We are based 30 miles from the second largest city in the county, I'll bet that less than 5% of home office employees have come in from field sales...and no one cares, we are doing just fine. Most of the home office folks were living in California well before they joined Amgen. Some have made the move from The Bay area, some from San Diego, and a handful of NE Corridor Big Pharma's, but I find far more TO employees are from CA or have been here for a very long time. Just because your manager is telling you TO is looking and hoping to bring in field sales doesn't mean that's true. Not saying that folks from the field who have moved in house are not doing good work. Many times they have. However, there isn't some huge void that is not being filled.

Furthermore, why would you disparage people who want to grow a career? That seems so odd. Lastly, real nice bragging about not working all that much...doesn't that prove the point on the other thread that less of you is a good decision? Reduce the number of reps to the ones who actually put in a full days work versus being bloated and having people work part-time hours?

Reading your poorly written response confirms why I declined a move to California. Your grammar reflects the crumby education you must have received in Cali. I am so glad I decided to stay in the South.

Reading your poorly written response confirms why I declined a move to California. Your grammar reflects the crumby education you must have received in Cali. I am so glad I decided to stay in the South.

Lame response...it’s a blog, people are typing on their phones, and there was nothing grammatically egregious in that person’s post. You dummies never debate points. Deflecting is your only reply. Oh...collectively the south has the worst K-12 systems in the country and the worst graduation rates. From a college perspective your entire region doesn’t come close to what CA has. If your we’re actually educated you would know that.

Reading your poorly written response confirms why I declined a move to California. Your grammar reflects the crumby education you must have received in Cali. I am so glad I decided to stay in the South.
I’m surprised living in California it wasn’t worse grammar, don’t they teach in espanol nowadays?

Lame response...it’s a blog, people are typing on their phones, and there was nothing grammatically egregious in that person’s post. You dummies never debate points. Deflecting is your only reply. Oh...collectively the south has the worst K-12 systems in the country and the worst graduation rates. From a college perspective your entire region doesn’t come close to what CA has. If your we’re actually educated you would know that.

100% accurate. They never debate points. Just flame and find stupid things to call out that aren't relevant.

There's really no reason debating here. If you're a career sales person good for you. You're not that smart. You're not going to ever make that much money and you'll never be in the level 8 and above roles. Be happy you're getting paid 150-200k to work 8 hours of less and memorize shit.

100% accurate. They never debate points. Just flame and find stupid things to call out that aren't relevant.

There's really no reason debating here. If you're a career sales person good for you. You're not that smart. You're not going to ever make that much money and you'll never be in the level 8 and above roles. Be happy you're getting paid 150-200k to work 8 hours of less and memorize shit.

Right! I love that they think $200k is a lot of money. Most good oncology biotchs $200k is the base salary! $60k at plan and a lot of options and RSU’s without the douchey culture at Amgen. Keep your fishbowl clean...Amgen reps are dopes.

100% accurate. They never debate points. Just flame and find stupid things to call out that aren't relevant.

There's really no reason debating here. If you're a career sales person good for you. You're not that smart. You're not going to ever make that much money and you'll never be in the level 8 and above roles. Be happy you're getting paid 150-200k to work 8 hours of less and memorize shit.
Well from the science side of the business, I'd say all your postings indicate a dismally low cognitive performance. I'd bet you're in finance and pretend to be in BD.

The facts are, we have people who make the product and we have people who sell it. Those people are all needed, because no product is worth a shit if you don't sell it. Value is the price at which you can really sell it (not theoretical projections). If the consumers absolutely won't buy it, then you have to change the price or the product itself.

We could discuss whether the rest of the employees are really necessary, but there's no end to that debate.
People who make it and people who sell it are definitely necessary

Well from the science side of the business, I'd say all your postings indicate a dismally low cognitive performance. I'd bet you're in finance and pretend to be in BD.

Well seeing how our current best selling drug came from BD perhaps you should jump back in the lab and try discovering something that’s not mediocre. Heck most of our therapeutic onc drugs are from BD and not R&D. Vectibix, Blin, Imlygic, Kyprolis...all BD. Back to your hole and discover something...how late to the checkpoint inhibitor space are we going to be? Perhaps you are why Amgen is STILL viewed as a supportive care, growth factor company.

The facts are, we have people who make the product and we have people who sell it. Those people are all needed, because no product is worth a shit if you don't sell it. Value is the price at which you can really sell it (not theoretical projections). If the consumers absolutely won't buy it, then you have to change the price or the product itself.

We could discuss whether the rest of the employees are really necessary, but there's no end to that debate.
People who make it and people who sell it are definitely necessary

There is not one metric in BioPham market research showing that a sales rep has more that a 10% influence on prescribing. Most life and death TA’s are around 5% influence. The more commoditized the more influence a rep can have. The more life and death the data will win. With that being said 5-10% influence on multi million and billion dollar markets is significant, but it’s very easy to hire sales people. I see the training classes. Always full. However it is very hard to hire bench scientists who have the talent to create drugs. Can take months to lock someone down.

There is not one metric in BioPham market research showing that a sales rep has more that a 10% influence on prescribing. Most life and death TA’s are around 5% influence. The more commoditized the more influence a rep can have. The more life and death the data will win. With that being said 5-10% influence on multi million and billion dollar markets is significant, but it’s very easy to hire sales people. I see the training classes. Always full. However it is very hard to hire bench scientists who have the talent to create drugs. Can take months to lock someone down.
A successful company would not tolerate a 5-10% drop in revenue if it can be avoided. Therefore sales personnel are just as vital to the business as mfg and development. Some companies make the last-ditch move to have a RIF in development areas, but this causes longer-term drop in revenue when products go off-patent

Well seeing how our current best selling drug came from BD perhaps you should jump back in the lab and try discovering something that’s not mediocre. Heck most of our therapeutic onc drugs are from BD and not R&D. Vectibix, Blin, Imlygic, Kyprolis...all BD. Back to your hole and discover something...how late to the checkpoint inhibitor space are we going to be? Perhaps you are why Amgen is STILL viewed as a supportive care, growth factor company.
No drug has ever "come from BD", it came from the lab.
So you had nothing to do with it, and are just a useless uninformed babbler.

Also, I don't work for Amgen; so you have again demonstrated your incredibly low IQ by assuming that. You are my servant, now get to work before we shareholders punish you again.

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