Who do you report a physician treating 300 suboxone pts to?


I have a friend that was fired off recently by a scum bag doctor that is treating over 300 patients at the same time with suboxone. It's my understanding that 100 is the limit, correct?
I want to hurt this pig (trust me you wouldn't believe the stories about him) so who do I report him to first? The state Dept of Health?


I have a friend that was fired off recently by a scum bag doctor that is treating over 300 patients at the same time with suboxone. It's my understanding that 100 is the limit, correct?
I want to hurt this pig (trust me you wouldn't believe the stories about him) so who do I report him to first? The state Dept of Health?

Lets take a look at this genius of this question. First of all, why wouldn't you want 300 opiate addicts getting treatment? Thats 300 people who won't be breaking in to your home to steal something, so they can turn around and get their fix off the street. Thats 300 less people, less likely to knock you over the head or some other unsuspecting person, say an elderly person at a bus stop, so they can get the buck out of your wallet to save up for their next score. Try to think this one through, will ya. If the rehab places that advertise that they can get you detox'ed in 7 days, really could do that, don't you think these 300 people would be going there? No, they go to this doc because he or she, has the compassion it takes to truly want to help the chemically dependant. They actually have a prayer of weaning off opiates with bupe. No, this doc isn't making money, in fact, its a loss, its a huge loss of money time and sanity, so he or she does it, out of nothing other than complete compassion. You want to report someone, try reporting the docs who hand out prescriptions for opiates like candy, with no plan whatsoever, to get the patient weaned off. You want to look at the numbers on that one. Go ahead, make my day. Oh and if you don't know who to report docs that write scripts for opiates like candy, go online, I'm sure you'll find what you need, that is, if you truly want to stop the real source of skyrocketing opiate dependence. Your other source for the scourge, the dope dealers you see on every street corner hanging around the schools. They are 12 and look like leave it to Beavers.

The pill mills in fla. are not writing suboxone. They are writing generic oxy.
This is what you get when you dont have a PDMA


The DEA has established a 24 hour, toll free “pill mill” tip line and email address. The toll free number is 888-954-4662 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************888-954-4662******end_of_the_skype_highlighting and the email address is Florida.Pill.Mill.Tips@USDOJ.GOV.