Who comes up with these threads?


Who comes up with these stupid Unify and Be Accountable threads? I've never heard that from a rep but definitely some DMs. Is it DMs or reps putting that garbage up?

Everyone is on vacation. Don't even have to fake the calls when on vacation. Rest of year on vacation but need to be on your game to beat the system.

You should be really proud of yourself. I guess you are one of those people who brag about cheating on their spouse too. Do you take money out of the poor box at your church as well? You should be really proud of how smart you are pulling one over on the company. So what the hell do you do with all of that free time ? - I assume you have figured out how to watch porn on your I pad without being caught too.

We are good that you are a scum bag - I just would not be bragging about it on a site. Keep making up fake calls and being a scum bag. I always wonder how people like you can live with themselves. It is actually easier and more rewarding to simply do your job then pulling the crap you are.

Look at the big picture, dont let one bad jerk represent all the other reps.
99% of us are hard working good people.
You sound like a very nasty bitter person!!!! N

I will, but I won't expense the tinfoil on my expense acct. Clever, HUH. The radar screen on "The Trackers" desk will go crazy, They will probably send out a drone looking for me. Anybody know how to put in the calls up to two weeks in advance and make them transmit on the alleged work day?

Former Ranbaxy employee here. You people are real idiots if you think some clown is sitting at a desk and "tracking" the sales force everyday every hour. If they really wanted to track you they would do what my jack ass company does and simply track time stamps for signatures and require signatures on every call if you sample or not.

That is how goof ball companies in this industry track reps. No one is tracking your whereabouts every hour. So save time and money on the tin foil thing. Just hope they do not go to requiring signatures every call - then they can track you and time stamp you on every call. If That's is not happening then relax. it actually means they trust the sales team for now. My suggestion is don't give them a reason not to trust you. It is a nightmare to be at a company that does the signature time stamp report.

Good answer. I'll just fake signature's if they require them. Just a scribble does it. 2 real calls a day are more than enough . See two, fake two and report two extra in big groups.

Ethics ? you must be proud of yourself. Yea go ahead and forge signatures, tons of ex pharma reps are on the street and black balled from ever working in the industry again for doing just that. They can verify sigs with providers - dumb ass. I guess you are one of those guys that is proud of themselves, for cheating on the system, taxes and on their spouses or the person whom they are dating. Proud of being a cheat - I think that is the definition of a scumbag.

Get a life. Is that what you want your legacy to be? I cheated a company and and prided myself for getting away with doing as little as possible? Your kids and your family will be real proud of you someday.


Good post, what the hell ever happened in taking some pride in your work or your job? I love these scum bags that openly brag about being a cheat and a lazy loser. Eventually, your gig will be up and they will see that you are not working and simply cheating on your calls. Embarrassing that people are so openly proud of being lazy and think they are so smart cheating the system. It reminds me of that Andrew loser bragging about two jobs at the Absorica meeting last year. He was fired the next week after the meeting.

The management here is starting to take stock on who is valuable and who needs to go- so keep fooling yourself. Your time will come.

Scumbag here. Go F yourself. I've survived Ranfraudulent for years. They get what they pay for. Work your ass off , they like suckers like you. My salary and bonus are no not doubt higher than yours too.. Scammers get good results Ahole. We give em what they want. You self righteous Ahole. Who makes you the judge. Go F yourself, Next meeting suck up good, they like that stuff.

my my why so angry? If it is that bad and you are so good and so scary talented why not go somewhere else? We Obviously touched a nerve. But the truth is you are nothing more than a scum bag and shame on you for being so proud of being a low life cheat and lazy to boot. I guess it is starting to hurt that you have amounted to be so little in this life. That you have to brag about being a lazy no good cheat proud of the fact that you are getting away with some false call activity. The truth is being lazy and a low life cheating scum bag is really nothing to be proud of of. Limited vocabulary as well. you are the kind of person that gives the whole industry a bad name. Time to grow up and make something of yourself while you still can. You might be surprised of the results if you actually worked for a change.