Who caught the alarm clock count mention from FH?


If you werent in the room, FH mentioned that a specific number of people used the alarm clock feature of the app from the meeting one morning.

To me this means they know EXACTLY what we're all doing on our ipads and where we are. If they know you use a feature in an app, they can also know if you use the visual or not, what time, how many times and where.

This could get very interesting, very fast.

Brian J . knows everything with or without apps - he knows if you've been sleeping,

he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been good or bad, so use the

visuals he created for goodness sake.

Becareful where you tweet him from.

They track: Time spent on each page, the flow from page to page, how many "calls" include more than one product. And of course, the time of day each "action" was made.

Among other things.


Don't worry, legal stepped in and said, "listen, we need to be careful we don't invade privacy." Easy way to do that is have a Third party get involved to play bad-guy.

Wallah! Who is Rep #......

They track: Time spent on each page, the flow from page to page, how many "calls" include more than one product. And of course, the time of day each "action" was made.

Among other things.


Don't worry, legal stepped in and said, "listen, we need to be careful we don't invade privacy." Easy way to do that is have a Third party get involved to play bad-guy.

Wallah! Who is Rep #......

If what you say is true , it could get very interesting. I have a close friend in the software industry . Several states have very strong laws around "tracking" employees , esp without their complete knowledge. For example a company he works with just paid out a huge sum to employees and customers alike for taping voice conversations without their knowledge . Even though the conversations where business related only and on company phones.

Tracking is a double edge sword and galderma better be very careful what they track , how they track and what they do with all that info , esp without it's employees written constent. It is a legal time bomb . I find out you are tracking me without my knowledge , using the apps and functions against me , using the camera feature , watching me . I'm going straight to a lawyer. I'll do my job but I will not give up my right to common trust and mutal respect.