Who bought the ZUK

early word is SNN

SNN..nope the great Dvorak screwed that deal up right from the start! Deal would have closed on time if he didn't run them from the table..It's DePuy...also Dvorak will be shit canned soon after this deal. He is the reason this transaction did not finish on time. He was "confident" the deal would close by the end of May...not so much..hence press release... Way to go big Z!! Rock solid!! Lol

SNN..nope the great Dvorak screwed that deal up right from the start! Deal would have closed on time if he didn't run them from the table..It's DePuy...also Dvorak will be shit canned soon after this deal. He is the reason this transaction did not finish on time. He was "confident" the deal would close by the end of May...not so much..hence press release... Way to go big Z!! Rock solid!! Lol

Blah, blah, blah....no one knows shit about the details behind this deal.

Cant wait to start selling Oxford...

"Hey doc, remember how I told you all those years that using a mobile bearing wasnt a good idea and difficult to do? Well i was just kidding, its a really good idea and just as easy to do! Are you going to swicth your 6 Zuk's next month to the Oxford...."

That's the best thing about Oxford, you can do a mobile bearing or use the Vanguard M fixed bearing option with the same femur! Your surgeon will have whatever option they prefer.

Who cares besides the people cashing in...this will be a shit show no matter what for everyone else.. Corporate and sales...it will be at least 3-4 years of hell..not including this past year!

SN sent out emails today regarding ZUK users, looks like it's theirs. God I hope Arthrex reps aren't getting into knees. On the bright side we will get lots of revision business if they do!