Who are these morons?


I'm consistently amazed by some of the morons that post on here! Funding a 4th of July party w/ AMEX, filling gas cans with ari card, faking degrees, fake lunches!

What the hell is wrong with you idiots?????

I bet you feel pretty cool filling gas cans like a 12 yr old with your mom's gas card and then topping off your wife's tank... pathetic

Funding a party with company amex?? Really pal, you can't get some burgers and potato salad on your own dime? equally pathetic

Not only are you meatheads stupid enough to commit fraud but then you go on a website where your IP is easily traceable and you brag about it! Unbelievable.

I hope all you morons get caught and prosecuted!

This stuff cannot be true. I worked at FRX and the significant majority were hard working, honest people. If it is true, the person will be discovered and fired. The bad part is they are sociopaths and land another job and do it all over again-and-again-and-again.

This stuff cannot be true. I worked at FRX and the significant majority were hard working, honest people. If it is true, the person will be discovered and fired. The bad part is they are sociopaths and land another job and do it all over again-and-again-and-again.

There must a lot of them because how come there are so many posts? Complete idiots, it should be everyone's duty to turn them in when you see this!

FRX has screwed over too many people. Like truly f'ed their whole world up and their family lives. This place is hell and zero concern for the grunts. ANY kind of payback is deserved. Take all you can get from this bastard company and no regrets.

The ones stealing from the company are HS, JL, GA, EH and all uppers. Look at money made from stocks. These clowns think they are so much better than reps. Who cares if reps steal food and petty cash. Serves forest right.

hell, i own a restaurant on the side, get all my lunches, snacks everything from my own store and of course I have been charging forest 3x the amount--been working for 15 years with forest--i am my best customer

I had 2 partners who had their own"catering" companies. Between that and their "Italian restaurant" and Av company, they were banking huge. One paid for luxury sedan on forest. What a company.