who cares who is trolling? the management responses are so weak that it just solidifies how stupid and useless the leadership is in this company. There are major issues that are not even fixable because the device/company is a scam. There is no good response from anybody from "so called" leadership because there is no response to give to the brought up topics that have been addressed in this forum( especially in the " you cant handle the truth ZOLL" thread). all the "underperformer, go back to pharma, cant sell, blah blah blah"...There are so many solid concrete failures and unfixable things at this company that they cant respond with anything powerful to defend themselves, because its all the truth! So when you cant defend the truth because you have no ammo, then you resort to unintelligent weak combacks that don't even make sense, kinda like a 6 year old! yes, our leadership acts like 6 years olds in elementary school. Those of us that don't leave deserve whatever comes our way if we stay here, which is why I am putting 98% effort into getting another job, and 2% of my time goes to chasing paperwork that isn't even needed , but intake insists it is!