Who approved of the new BSH comp plan?


How does leadership think this is a good idea?!?! Withholding our pay to incentivize us to grow? I'm tired of being treated like a child and micromanaged by our leadership.

Hey Leadership,

Here is a newsflash for you: If a rep isn't growing or doesn't want to grow their business, THEY SHOULDN'T BE WORKING HERE! It is unacceptable and disrespectful to penalize the reps who continue to grow each year.

Whoever created and approved this comp plan should not be here.

Also, great move slapping the faces of Senior CAMS by turning them into Associates and labeling them entry-level positions.

I hope leadership includes Prozac in their "goody" bags at NSM. We will all need it.

How does leadership think this is a good idea?!?! Withholding our pay to incentivize us to grow? I'm tired of being treated like a child and micromanaged by our leadership.

Hey Leadership,

Here is a newsflash for you: If a rep isn't growing or doesn't want to grow their business, THEY SHOULDN'T BE WORKING HERE! It is unacceptable and disrespectful to penalize the reps who continue to grow each year.

Whoever created and approved this comp plan should not be here.

Also, great move slapping the faces of Senior CAMS by turning them into Associates and labeling them entry-level positions.

I hope leadership includes Prozac in their "goody" bags at NSM. We will all need it.
Oh man. Can you provide some details for someone who jumped ship? Curious to see exactly how they are screwing you all now.

Leadership is awarding the hard work of the sales team by holding their money hostage and presenting it as a bonus if they grow their sales. Leadership isn't affected at all even though they were the ones that put the sales team in a hole and created this mess. This comp plan isn't a comp plan. It is BSH's way of getting rid of the great reps by forcing them out due to making less and replacing them with less experienced reps that will take less pay. Leadership will not only see their sales take a dive but the revenue as well due to this plan. Idiots. Thank you leadership for showing how you value the people that have been cleaning up your mistakes. Hologic has lost the Logic part of their name. Ho ho ho.

Ugh, what’s up with leadership?! Okay, so can we talk about this? EA is so different, and these ABDs and RSMs don’t want to tell him what we are really going through. It’s like they have NO idea what we’re going through. They keep acting like they’re listening about the pay changes, but all they do is throw more stuff at us to make it harder to earn our commissions. Like, seriously, they say we’re gonna get paid more this year, but how is that even a thing? They took away products from us and gave us nothing in return! Plus, they’re holding back 33% of our disposables and service, and now we can only get our true-up if we hit some random shipment quota? What even?! Like what does one have to do with the other? And don’t get me started on bonuses. It’s way too complicated now, and we’ve lost a ton of earning potential. They jacked up our quotas while cutting our products and commissions but then tell us we will make more?!?!??! I’m not stupid. Then they send their special sales peeps out to act like everything is fine, but like, ok your wife is an ABD, super cool! But for the rest of us it’s not fine!

STOP OVER REACTING!!!! All they did was make a few changes to align our compensation with the business needs and put us on blast, shame us, cut commissions, make it worse after "hearing us out", and then give us utterly unrealistic shipment numbers. It will be fine though because all of leadership except one guy is still in place and leadership figured out that they were not the problem and instead the sales comp plan was the problem. We're good now!

How does leadership think this is a good idea?!?! Withholding our pay to incentivize us to grow? I'm tired of being treated like a child and micromanaged by our leadership.

Hey Leadership,

Here is a newsflash for you: If a rep isn't growing or doesn't want to grow their business, THEY SHOULDN'T BE WORKING HERE! It is unacceptable and disrespectful to penalize the reps who continue to grow each year.

Whoever created and approved this comp plan should not be here.

Also, great move slapping the faces of Senior CAMS by turning them into Associates and labeling them entry-level positions.

I hope leadership includes Prozac in their "goody" bags at NSM. We will all need it.
This site needs a "like" button!

STOP OVER REACTING!!!! All they did was make a few changes to align our compensation with the business needs and put us on blast, shame us, cut commissions, make it worse after "hearing us out", and then give us utterly unrealistic shipment numbers. It will be fine though because all of leadership except one guy is still in place and leadership figured out that they were not the problem and instead the sales comp plan was the problem. We're good now!
yes yes yes yes!

How does leadership think this is a good idea?!?! Withholding our pay to incentivize us to grow? I'm tired of being treated like a child and micromanaged by our leadership.

Hey Leadership,

Here is a newsflash for you: If a rep isn't growing or doesn't want to grow their business, THEY SHOULDN'T BE WORKING HERE! It is unacceptable and disrespectful to penalize the reps who continue to grow each year.

Whoever created and approved this comp plan should not be here.

Also, great move slapping the faces of Senior CAMS by turning them into Associates and labeling them entry-level positions.

I hope leadership includes Prozac in their "goody" bags at NSM. We will all need it.
Same people approved the surgical one too.