while at comack, any go to NFL Game?

Just wondering how long it took to get there, experience (worth it or not), etc? Thanks

ahahhhaah. funny post. hey douche bag when you are at training, you do 2 things. one stare at your new "roommate" in a standard size hotel room in the middle of nowhere with no way of leaving the hotel, and second study night groups at night at the hotel when you are not being bussed to the training facility at 6am and home every day at 7pm. You do not go to football games!!! ahahahahahaaa, ahahhahahahaha, ahahhaaahaha, that is so funny. This is not the typical training class where you are granted free time by your masters, this is nose to the grindstone every single second of the 2 weeks, they absolutely do not want or let or encourage any independent activity. you have got the wrong company junior, better check your facts before you commit to this living hell.

dont listen to this idiot. Yes plenty of people in our class went to Giants as well as other sporting games. Weekends are free. Alot would also take the train in during the weekend nights and catch baseball games. Worth the experience from what I've heard.

you don't have any NFL games where you're from? If you're going to venture out, why not do something unique to NYC like see a broadway show or something??? Not like the Giants are anything special to see

dont listen to this idiot. Yes plenty of people in our class went to Giants as well as other sporting games. Weekends are free. Alot would also take the train in during the weekend nights and catch baseball games. Worth the experience from what I've heard.

LIe lie lie, so not true, you leave the hotel, you get put on the "list" and are managed out and it goes straight to your DM.

dont listen to this idiot. Yes plenty of people in our class went to Giants as well as other sporting games. Weekends are free. Alot would also take the train in during the weekend nights and catch baseball games. Worth the experience from what I've heard.

Train is the best bet.

You can catch the Long Island Railroad in Ronkonkoma & take it to Penn Station. @ Penn Station, transfer to NJ Transit and it will take you right to the Meadowlands. Tickets are sometimes hard to come by so make sure you purchase in advance.

Have fun!

LIe lie lie, so not true, you leave the hotel, you get put on the "list" and are managed out and it goes straight to your DM.

Agree. There is no "free time" at Forest training. You are discouraged from venturing out anywhere except the parking lot to the bus for your early am starts and you will not get back to the hotel from the facility until 7 pm. Then its mandatory study groups with a bunch of ass kiss shit stains. Hit repeat with a roommate for the next two weeks.

If you leave the hotel you will be put on the list, and will be hunted down and fired. Trust me. I saw 3 people sent home for tying to "go out" and see the miserable sights of butt fuck Long Island only to be black listed. You never know who is watching to see who leave the hotel, quite frankly Forest intentionally does not give you the chance to do anything remotely independently and they do this for a reason, power!!! You are not to do anything while at Commack but study and fuck your new roommate and smell their farts and all that other bullshit that comes with forced adult "bunk mates"....

When the hell did you people go to Commack? Yes, youre in a hotel room with a roommate (sucks) but the trip as a whole isnt bad at all. No bussing around, you get a van bt 4 ppl. the locals tell you what good bars are close, they encourage you to get out and do your thing. I took my golf clubs and played twice both weekends....overall enjoyable experience....

Just wondering how long it took to get there, experience (worth it or not), etc? Thanks

Wow who ever posted this was full of shit. How do I get out of the rommate situation. No way i do a 7
, i am a grown adult not a child. How does one get their own room for 2 weeks. And we have already been told, no leaving or straying from the hotel and compound. It is "frowned upon" to not be in nightly study groups with the same assholes you sat all day long with at the facility role playing and faking stupid made up phony shit with all day long and then you have to continue the charade at night at the hotel. Fuck this, this is kindergarden crap. No wonder forest hires so many naive newbies, they do not know any better and think this is normal! This was the deal breaker for me.

Wow who ever posted this was full of shit. How do I get out of the rommate situation. No way i do a 7
, i am a grown adult not a child. How does one get their own room for 2 weeks. And we have already been told, no leaving or straying from the hotel and compound. It is "frowned upon" to not be in nightly study groups with the same assholes you sat all day long with at the facility role playing and faking stupid made up phony shit with all day long and then you have to continue the charade at night at the hotel. Fuck this, this is kindergarden crap. No wonder forest hires so many naive newbies, they do not know any better and think this is normal! This was the deal breaker for me.

if u go you'll find blood in your stool mister