Which word best describes what Novartis has become?


Here ya go - this describes Novartis: Kick Ass!!! I haven't done shit since February, and I've made about 70k this year. And this is without my big bonus that's coming in not too long from now. Thanks, Novartis!!!!

One word will never be adequate

This company is like a chocolate vanilla swirly ice cream cone.

But the flavors are equal parts arrogance and desperation. Sounds tasty, no?

That's what employees and patients alike have been tasting for years.

I'm ready to puke!!! Had all I can take!

at best it's a "paycheck." otherwise, it's a noose around my neck prompting me to balance on my tippy toes to avoid strangulation. "THAT BEING SAID" I will be "TRANSPARENT" and "CASCADE" this message down to the peasants below: It is a long slow death....strangulation, it is.........do I wait until the noose tightens or wish for a slashed artery?

Here ya go - this describes Novartis: Kick Ass!!! I haven't done shit since February, and I've made about 70k this year. And this is without my big bonus that's coming in not too long from now. Thanks, Novartis!!!!

Why do you feel you need to post this on two different threads? Congrats, now move on my friend. It's ok, you'll be ok without pharma...