Nice conference call today after a DVP weekend trip to Georgia. Anyone want to bet Rob is getting replaced today? I think so.

Folks something has already happened.

Let's hope that is the case. If so, who will be the next, "bearer of the flame?" I am guessing S (the sales trainer), but am worried that she has been corrupted. Whoever it could be, way better than Rob!

Rob being replaced would be wonderful but the inside staff now has no respect for the sales staff. They believe we are not competent which is very untrue. There is always some push and pull between customer service, billing and outside sales but the culture has to change. There are also a couple of DVP's whose attitudes are horrific.

Rob being replaced would be wonderful but the inside staff now has no respect for the sales staff. They believe we are not competent which is very untrue. There is always some push and pull between customer service, billing and outside sales but the culture has to change. There are also a couple of DVP's whose attitudes are horrific.

Especially when they are a bunch of inner city kids that couldn't sale a Popsicle in 120 degree weather.

I do not think being critical of the staff will help relations. When customer service and sales work together then the customer has a good experience. Divided they will feel it.

I do not think being critical of the staff will help relations. When customer service and sales work together then the customer has a good experience. Divided they will feel it.

They were so hostile the first time I met the inside staff, it was crazy! A band new training class being chewed out by a bunch of office cows before we had even done a thing. The majority of the group had no idea about the issues they were talking about, but these people were relentless.

Corporate staff have their minds made up.

You are right. Robert and Stacey talk down to the sales staff so badly there is nobody to bring our concerns to the table. We are the face of Castle all over the country. Why hire people and then put them down before they even start? Is that a new business model I haven't heard of?

Destroy your Sales Department's Confidence and Berate them at every turn. Sales will surely increase. The Castle Medical Sales Model. Fire them randomly so they feel they are walking on a mine field. This will keep them on their toes.

I actually think that some of the people that work in the corporate office are very nice. Kevin Mitchell is a very nice person but has no power to make changes. There are others as well. I know who you are talking about and I do not think they represent the whole office.

Says the one who doesn't know the difference between "sale" and "sell".

This was from one of the office cows. That's how these things work here at the Cafe. You see they can't go after the content of the message, so they find a typo. The typo means nothing. But to those who this struck a cord with will pull out the most insignificant thing to negate the real message.

So who do we know that is this shallow and petty? Well there is Danierson, there is LP, there are the fat cows at the home office, the other depraved DVPs. So there are plenty of people who are just being stupid here.

Says the one who doesn't know the difference between "sale" and "sell".

It's cafe Pharma. Relax, grammar police. Maybe some of us disguse are messages with typos and ..... So we r not discovered. Also. The period goes before the parenthesis just in case you want me to grade your work.

Looks like the Corporae people are finally weighing in on this site. Please pass along to the brass that this site is barely 30 days old and has 750,000 views. At about anytime u can catch between 11-20 viewers on line. That's unbelievable. Maybe I should tell you folks at corporate about "the rule of 250." Google it. That's 750,000 x 250. That's somekind of horrific marketing

It's cafe Pharma. Relax, grammar police. Maybe some of us disguse are messages with typos and ..... So we r not discovered. Also. The period goes before the parenthesis just in case you want me to grade your work.

Looks like the Corporae people are finally weighing in on this site. Please pass along to the brass that this site is barely 30 days old and has 750,000 views. At about anytime u can catch between 11-20 viewers on line. That's unbelievable. Maybe I should tell you folks at corporate about "the rule of 250." Google it. That's 750,000 x 250. That's somekind of horrific marketing

FYI: As of tonight, 726,500 have viewed the Administrators announcement about moderation decisions since 2008. The views to this board are to the right of each thread.
Views: 726,500 View AnnouncementAnnouncement: Questions about moderation decisions
03-16-2008 cafead (Administrator)

Also, since you feel superior to the grammar police, but instead show your ignorance...
1. If material in parentheses ends a sentence, the period goes after the parentheses.
2. Periods go inside parentheses only if an entire sentence is inside the parentheses.

FYI: As of tonight, 726,500 have viewed the Administrators announcement about moderation decisions since 2008. The views to this board are to the right of each thread.
Views: 726,500 View AnnouncementAnnouncement: Questions about moderation decisions
03-16-2008 cafead (Administrator)

Also, since you feel superior to the grammar police, but instead show your ignorance...
1. If material in parentheses ends a sentence, the period goes after the parentheses.
2. Periods go inside parentheses only if an entire sentence is inside the parentheses.

Good point, but 300 people for one thread is nothing to ignore.

FYI: As of tonight, 726,500 have viewed the Administrators announcement about moderation decisions since 2008. The views to this board are to the right of each thread.
Views: 726,500 View AnnouncementAnnouncement: Questions about moderation decisions
03-16-2008 cafead (Administrator)

Also, since you feel superior to the grammar police, but instead show your ignorance...
1. If material in parentheses ends a sentence, the period goes after the parentheses.
2. Periods go inside parentheses only if an entire sentence is inside the parentheses.

Calm down office cow.

I'm wondering how many peeps have been fired in the Billing Department?
What kind of training do they get ? They have the most important job to keep the
lights on and nobody in that department seems to be held accountable for anything...??
It's probably not their fault they don't have the right billing codes for DNA or others
but .....that keeps us from getting paid..........One would think that Rob and Scott
would of had that figured out before they launched it ??? No.....it's Rob and Scott.....
complete moroons..............