Where's the target list?

Cant wait to see how badly Joone (roddick) moore will be home cooking these bad boys......it is all luck and reverse engineering that they hand their hat on is all a bunch of bullshit as well..Sun and their numbers scheme is laughable at best. The sad thing is is that some or a few of these new hire latuda dms' wet behind the ear are stilling holding reps to projected false phony inaccurate date and if you did not get a great break with IMS bundles your numbers are going to get you on a PIP immediately for next quarter and we all know once the PIP hit HR and if filed you have already been made a dec. on your behalf to be FIRED!
And there is nothing you can do to stop it. They are coming and I expect major fall out from this not only with the newbies but also some vet's........Sun made their bed with this bullshit data bundle and the DNRP list is such bullshit, you know JM is sitting in his basement in between shopping at the mall with his DNRP data that he has to try and make legit spread across the territories.
What is funny is that if leadership does not lke you and wants to work you out, this is how BB use to instruct his JM head puppet to build the case so the no bene's for Unemployment IN will be paid out as the rep will be fired for performance related violations.