
ACell is actually lucky that their reps can't sell anything. They can't supply as it is. So let's get this straight:

1. No reimbursement
2. 1 day of training
3. Non existing marketing
4. Can't supply
5. No DATA
6. Promote off label use

Yeah the OLE' VP is a hell of a business man. Who couldn't put this debacle together???? Real tough to have a product fall in your lap and then hire 1000 people and say OK GUYS WE WORK EVERYWHERE!!!! RIGHT. It's amazing he knows how to book a hotel.


Maybe there wouldn't be a debacle if the moron would follow the other successful biologic companies model. NO that would be too much of a stretch. Let's just reinvent the wheel. And sure it will probably eventually get done but it only take 5x's as long and lose alot of great people because of self ignorance. All this company gives a crap is about their debt. thats why everyone suffers and numbers are ALL HIDDEN. There's truth in transparency, NONE HERE THOUGH.