Where the money goes...


Now I get what many of your are saying....

Last year

Total Revenue: $342M

Cost of Revenue $159M
Selling, Admin $361M
Research $74M

That's so upside, we are really screwed...

The 2010 HR's Elite list was culled from a universe of 215 former and current HR executives who were among the five most highly compensated officers in their companies and were, therefore, listed in the SEC filings of the Russell 3000 companies.

There's once again a new face at the top of the 2010 ranking: Richard J. Ranieri, chief HR officer at Dendreon, a Seattle-based biotech concern. He earned $4,818,479 last year -- nearly $1.4 million less than last year's most highly paid HR executive. It's worth noting that Ranieri's compensation represented 10 percent of the $48 million in revenues Dendreon reported in 2010.

The 2010 HR's Elite list was culled from a universe of 215 former and current HR executives who were among the five most highly compensated officers in their companies and were, therefore, listed in the SEC filings of the Russell 3000 companies.

There's once again a new face at the top of the 2010 ranking: Richard J. Ranieri, chief HR officer at Dendreon, a Seattle-based biotech concern. He earned $4,818,479 last year -- nearly $1.4 million less than last year's most highly paid HR executive. It's worth noting that Ranieri's compensation represented 10 percent of the $48 million in revenues Dendreon reported in 2010.

good grief, did he sell with Gold or his base salary crazy as well?

His base salary is shameful, particularly when you consider he is terrible at his job IMO. Look at all the people who passed his vetting. Rob Rosen is a perfect example. Guy had a sexual harrassment suit at Bayer, misrepresented himself, was hired at Gold's insistence Ranieri and/or the board could have to MG no. He ended up committing crimes at DNDN.

Ranieri is nothing but a cancer IMO. Most of hires were failures IMO and the few good hires knew to leave.

Investors Village folks reading this board regularly. This guy Ranieri post here on IV board.

Posted 6/7/2012 2:26:25 PM by Belizeguy2000
Recs: 42

Absolutly DISCUSTING... a 4.8 Million dollar a year HR Officer... NICE work DNDN..pissed off.. again..

The 2010 HR's Elite list was culled from a universe of 215 former and current HR executives who were among the five most highly compensated officers in their companies and were, therefore, listed in the SEC filings of the Russell 3000 companies.

There's once again a new face at the top of the 2010 ranking: Richard J. Ranieri, chief HR officer at Dendreon, a Seattle-based biotech concern. He earned $4,818,479 last year -- nearly $1.4 million less than last year's most highly paid HR executive. It's worth noting that Ranieri's compensation represented 10 percent of the $48 million in revenues Dendreon reported in 2010.

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Msg # 440102 Posted 6/7/2012 3:08:30 PM by Belizeguy2000
Recs: 3

Re: Absolutly DISCUSTING... a 4.8 Million dollar a year HR Officer... NICE work DNDN..pissed off.. again..

Nope.. this was done under Mitche's watch.. as I remember... just came up again on Cafepharma... and PISSED me off all over again!!!

Msg # 440103 Posted 6/7/2012 3:11:06 PM by exnurse
Recs: 3

Re: Absolutly DISCUSTING... a 4.8 Million dollar a year HR Officer... NICE work DNDN..pissed off.. again..

is somebody putting together a list of these questions? we could distribute it among attendees - they can't duck all of us!

Posted 6/7/2012 4:17:54 PM by Belizeguy2000
Recs: 7

Guam2009lt.. Gold is at fault... BUT the BOD acted like criminals as well.. no oversight.. where was Brewer et al??

Richard Brewer was Mitch's Mentor... and a very competent manager (or at least I thought after meeting him)..

The BOD has Done NOTHING to protect shareholder value... BUT it has been busy giving Mitch and cronies ... themselves included... WAY to many Stock awards... for failed performance...I want THAT job!!!!

Msg # 440120 Posted 6/7/2012 7:53:55 PM by optimistic skeptic
Recs: 1

Re: Guam2009lt.. Gold is at fault... BUT the BOD acted like criminals as well.. no oversight.. where was Brewer et al??

You're not qualified to sit on the DNDN BODs........ nor is anyone else here on this MB that is advocating frugal Mgt. with cost cutting and savings wherever prudent.

To be a DNDN BOD member or someone in Upper Mgt. you must have total disregard for money with little in the way of conscious as to what has taken place with this company the past 2 years while insisting on playing the 'Big A$$ and High Roller. Anyone not doing so is simply not 'DNDN Material'.

You'd never know this company was taking on water at an alarming rate based on the Company's actions. Sadly, it's a reflection on much of corporate America in recent decades. Is it any wonder as to why the retail investor has turned its back on investing?

This is a classic "pump and dump" scam. Gold has cashed out almost 7% of current market capitalization (value of all outstanding shares) of the whole company. If you consider all of EC and the board, I would not be surprised if they have cashed out about 14% of current market capitalization of company.