Where is Vag?


Did Vag leave CP?

No Libs, I'm just more interested in other stuff now - Boehner actually nailed it pretty well recently when he said, "They're all crooks."

Our country is stuck between two extremes now, I see no middle ground. I liked some stuff Trump doid, I like some stuff Biden is doing. Arguing it ain't gonna change it. Making some more money will. I'm busy playing the stock market, remodeling, watching the Dodgers and getting ready for Palm Springs.

California is opening back up - hooray !!! :cool:

No Libs, I'm just more interested in other stuff now - Boehner actually nailed it pretty well recently when he said, "They're all crooks."

Our country is stuck between two extremes now, I see no middle ground. I liked some stuff Trump doid, I like some stuff Biden is doing. Arguing it ain't gonna change it. Making some more money will. I'm busy playing the stock market, remodeling, watching the Dodgers and getting ready for Palm Springs.

California is opening back up - hooray !!! :cool:
Libs is a lost cause. He has spouted racist and homophobic crap on here for years. You are better off without his toxicity.

Uhm V is almost as big of a loser as the other two. The only difference is he is not as big of a conspiracy dumbass the other two and less of a bigot but talks non stop about sex and drugs

Ahhh...:D the Southern Baptists are at it again. Yes, I'm that loser you love to hate - who put 2 kids thru college, paid for 2 beautiful weddings, is now comfortably retired, has 3 grandkids and just getting ready to do my daily exercise before I have lunch and record the Dodger game.

Sex: Yes I have it on a regular basis - it's healthy and remember, life is sexually transmitted.

Awww.... The closest I come to using a drug is the RARE occasion I use cannabis. I do support it's availability on a legal basis though and will leave you with this reminder: So does mainstream America. Since 2012, 15 states and Washington, DC, have legalized marijuana for adults over the age of 21. And 36 states have legalized medical marijuana — meaning that a majority of Americans have access to marijuana, whether medically or recreationally and no longer consider it drugging. ;)

Ahhh...:D the Southern Baptists are at it again. Yes, I'm that loser you love to hate - who put 2 kids thru college, paid for 2 beautiful weddings, is now comfortably retired, has 3 grandkids and just getting ready to do my daily exercise before I have lunch and record the Dodger game.

Sex: Yes I have it on a regular basis - it's healthy and remember, life is sexually transmitted.

Awww.... The closest I come to using a drug is the RARE occasion I use cannabis. I do support it's availability on a legal basis though and will leave you with this reminder: So does mainstream America. Since 2012, 15 states and Washington, DC, have legalized marijuana for adults over the age of 21. And 36 states have legalized medical marijuana — meaning that a majority of Americans have access to marijuana, whether medically or recreationally and no longer consider it drugging. ;)
Even though the data clearly says it is!

.....and having sex regularly is fine! WITHIN marriage.