Where is the CV Q2 Bonus Payout?


Novartis posts that Q2 bonus payout will be no later than July 20. July 20 here. No update on when receiving it (at least in my Region). No IC report, Rapid data constantly changing. Nice job Novartis continuing to motivate your sales force. Can’t wait until my values and behavior $ also removed from my bonus.


Novartis posts that Q2 bonus payout will be no later than July 20. July 20 here. No update on when receiving it (at least in my Region). No IC report, Rapid data constantly changing. Nice job Novartis continuing to motivate your sales force. Can’t wait until my values and behavior $ also removed from my bonus.

...and you all continue to put up with it. Time and time again there is disappointment. V & B is a joke. You have a choice. That choice is to work for a company that keep their promises. A company that is not looking for a way to keep 20% of your bonus. A company that doesn't make headlines for scandals.

There are 7.6 billion people in the world. 325 million in US. 130,000 work for Novartis. There are many people who have jobs and don't work for Novartis. Go get a new job!!

Novartis posts that Q2 bonus payout will be no later than July 20. July 20 here. No update on when receiving it (at least in my Region). No IC report, Rapid data constantly changing. Nice job Novartis continuing to motivate your sales force. Can’t wait until my values and behavior $ also removed from my bonus.
What a shitshow.

...and you all continue to put up with it. Time and time again there is disappointment. V & B is a joke. You have a choice. That choice is to work for a company that keep their promises. A company that is not looking for a way to keep 20% of your bonus. A company that doesn't make headlines for scandals.

There are 7.6 billion people in the world. 325 million in US. 130,000 work for Novartis. There are many people who have jobs and don't work for Novartis. Go get a new job!!
Why dont you quiter & excuse maker get a new job! Please don't try to right or wrong. This company is under a CIA they're supposed to be trying to get their s*** together and do what is right not lie and manipulate the sales numbers so they don't have to pay the cotrect bonuses to their Salesforce worked so hard to earned.

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