I have been here 10 years and I have very much enjoyed my time at this company. The people here are truly wonderful. I have to wonder where we are going though? Our #s are way way down from our days in the past. Some of that was just bloated silly pods, with 6 people selling spiriva (Dumb). However, it does seem that our #s keep getting smaller and smaller every year. With Spiriva gone soon, and Pradaxa as well, one has to think that we are in for even more of a reduction sometime soon? I'm not sure if anyone has friends in house? I have a few close friends in the AoB, and nothing to do with COVID, they say it is a ghost town in there. #s are incredibly small. The #s of support teams are tiny compared to what they used to be. If you look at our pipeline, there's nothing for several years (at a minimum) outside of expanded indications for existing products. Nothing more than an educated guess and listening to what others are saying, but seems like we are headed for respiratory being completely gone in a few years, and CV/Met having more of a merge/reduction? It appears like OFEV and Jardiance are the only games in town right now. Would love to see more products on the near horizon for folks to be happy about. Keep your head low and sell I suppose, not much else you can do. Curious on others thoughts?