Now that CapPig is gone from BMSland, I was wondering....where is the CYMR? Did he finally stop crunching the numbers?
Now that CapPig is gone from BMSland, I was wondering....where is the CYMR? Did he finally stop crunching the numbers?
CYMR here. Been quietly working behind the scenes crunching numbers. I've been consulted on the upcoming re-org. To set the record straight if you currently sell plavix(it will be a tidal wave) especially if your over 40. A reduction in regional offices with the Tampa office at the head of list to be shut. Lease has been month to month for the last year. Look for reductions in DM's'and RD's'as well. Meaning Young will once and for all been thrown out on the street. The numbers don't lie and my consulting abilities are never wrong. See ya Chrissie!!