Below is information from Seikagaku's website. Supartz is manufactured at the Takahagi plant.
Notice regarding the impact of the Tohoku Pacific Offshore Earthquake
Seikagaku Corporation (head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) offers its sympathies to those
affected by the Tohoku Pacific Offshore Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011.
We hereby announce the impact of the earthquake on the Seikagaku Group at the
present time as follows.
1. Damage situation
(1) Takahagi Plant (Takahagi City, Ibaraki Prefecture)
The Takahagi Plant, which produces pharmaceuticals, incurred partial damage to its
pharmaceutical production equipment and product warehouse. We are currently
investigating the damage while confirming the safety situation. When that is in order
and water supply is restored to the plant, production can be resumed. No employees at
the plant incurred injuries.