Where is my "stay at home and wait" email?


Another "date" gone by...Novartis isnthis what you want ? Your people waiting for a call or an email? It's impossible to be productive or "engaged" when we are constantly threatened. You messed up last year with the out right lie...how do you really expect people to believe what was said in the town hall? Upper mgmt can sit back and feel confident but there are far fewer of you then the rest of us in every division across the company. Your people do not feel confident so how do you expect productivity?

Another "date" gone by...Novartis isnthis what you want ? Your people waiting for a call or an email? It's impossible to be productive or "engaged" when we are constantly threatened. You messed up last year with the out right lie...how do you really expect people to believe what was said in the town hall? Upper mgmt can sit back and feel confident but there are far fewer of you then the rest of us in every division across the company. Your people do not feel confident so how do you expect productivity?

Don't worry, you will have it in "several" months.

Gee after having been through last years lay-off and having moved out of Pharma, it sounds as though you all are waiting for the Rapture.....and the dude that's been predicting that has been consistently off. I'd abide by this...."When you least expect it, expect it." It's going to be different. Products will come and go, some reps will stay, some will go, and at Novartis it's not who you know, but who you blow! Pharma Haiku. At least in this "Rapture" those left behind are the truly chosen.

be productive? do what a normal pharma rep does every day, drop off a few samples, get some sig's and feed some cattle and be home by 1-2 pm to watch a little tv, workout or pick up the kids