where is Kowa in the hiring process?


I had a phone interview with the d.m. and I thought it went extremely well. He said that I should hear something by the end of the week, but I haven't heard anything. Is he slow, or do you think I was passed up in the interview process?

I was making 106k in base salary bit am willing to go as low as 80k. Will that work with Kowa's pay scale?
Thanks for any information.

80K is a little low for Kowa's starting base. Some people (liars) said they were started in the 80's and 90's for base as a rep. I'm sure it's accurate. Don't sell yourself short! I'd ask them to match the 106k.

Kowa is on the low side of pay. I was @$111,000 base in big pharma. Got $84,000 @ Kowa. Good luck.

As a rep?? Don't think so, Junior. There are three ways you can get an 84k base at Kowa:

1) Be one of the few that stay with them for several years and you'll eventually get there. Maybe in a decade!

2) Be a relative of Ben.

3) Be a relative of Mr. Hiroshirimiomiyagi