Where did JD go

Wow, where have you been working? Success? Do you equate one product failure after another as success? A horrible evaluator of talent, who consistently over promised and under delivered. He could be an incredibly cruel person and a bully to anyone who had an opposing view. He is not solely responsible for our failures as a company, but he's accountable for a good bit of it. Perhaps you can find out where he ends up and quickly follow him. Good riddance to him and to you.

I agree with above. Just look at his last decisions and the choices he made. Bad for global business and for IBU. Any one but him would have collapsed the IBU and BHBU and had one really strong team to lead it, like KK and JT. Instead he left them separate and stuck the IBU with two people who shouldn't be in charge of a cub scout group let alone a 3.5B business. What kind of message was that to send?