Where did Deb land?


I definitely know what you mean. She promised me the world and acted like a champion for me. Then I was dropped like a hot potato. When I reached out to her about another opportunity she didn't move a finger to help me. I just hope people truly truly remember what happened and how she acted when she tries to reach out to you via Linkedin for help. This was the most miserable job I ever had but honestly i am left with sadness about patients that desperately want treatment.

I don’t think anybody really cares where she lands. She is leaving this company as a complete and utter failure. She showed herself to be wrong about everything she anticipated would occur, and her response in tough times was to go completely silent for months at a time and ignore the people on her team. She doesn’t know a thing about leading team. If anyone hires her into a high level position, they’re going to be disappointed. She showed she didn’t have what it takes.

She is with Sanofi as head of vaccines.

One more example of pharma companies just recycling other companies’ garbage. In all reality, what did Deb accomplish as head of the ADU that would show she has earned the right to be head of a division somewhere else? These companies make me laugh sometimes - they put more rigor into hiring a sales rep than they do a senior executive. Hopefully, they’ll go ahead and set aside a couple of million that they’ll be paying her in about 2 years to leave. Might as well budget for the inevitable now.

Seriously??? Sanofi hired her????

Of course they did. First, Sanofi likes to grab other company’s cast-offs. And second, in this woke culture, Deb checks a bunch of boxes for them. The vaccine division will be tough to fuck up, even for Deb. They can get the poster child they want, pat themselves on the back for embracing diversity, and no harm done to the business. Like it or not, Deb will cruise through the rest of her career making millions that her talent level doesn’t justify.

Of course they did. First, Sanofi likes to grab other company’s cast-offs. And second, in this woke culture, Deb checks a bunch of boxes for them. The vaccine division will be tough to fuck up, even for Deb. They can get the poster child they want, pat themselves on the back for embracing diversity, and no harm done to the business. Like it or not, Deb will cruise through the rest of her career making millions that her talent level doesn’t justify.

no, not lining up.

Of course they did. First, Sanofi likes to grab other company’s cast-offs. And second, in this woke culture, Deb checks a bunch of boxes for them. The vaccine division will be tough to fuck up, even for Deb. They can get the poster child they want, pat themselves on the back for embracing diversity, and no harm done to the business. Like it or not, Deb will cruise through the rest of her career making millions that her talent level doesn’t justify.

Confirmed. How desperate is Sanofi?

Of course they did. First, Sanofi likes to grab other company’s cast-offs. And second, in this woke culture, Deb checks a bunch of boxes for them. The vaccine division will be tough to fuck up, even for Deb. They can get the poster child they want, pat themselves on the back for embracing diversity, and no harm done to the business. Like it or not, Deb will cruise through the rest of her career making millions that her talent level doesn’t justify.

What boxes exactly? heterosexual female?

Then Sanofi Vaccines will fail. She is a marketing director at best, and was a failure in every aspect of leading a launch. She was still saying the price was a smokescreen at Thanksgiving last year

She certainly didn’t show an ability to lead people. She went silent for months at a time in the midst of the launch and then made false promises to people right up until the point she fired them via video. Really classless.

She certainly didn’t show an ability to lead people. She went silent for months at a time in the midst of the launch and then made false promises to people right up until the point she fired them via video. Really classless.

You summed it up very well. I couldn't agree more. If I had to rank the worst in this fiasco, she would be ranked number one for all the reasons you mentioned. Absolutely astonishing and perplexing she gets hired with another company.

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