Where are Novartis' Strategic Minds? Why are we always followers


What is the point of the MD in charge of Marketing?
The Harvard MBA's in various strategy roles!
All the consultants!

All we do is follow.

Now we are following Pfizer with Brand Max! What original strategic plans have we created? Why can't we be on the cutting edge of Pharma. No, all we do is follow.

Truly sad that these useless leaders have destroyed the company. Brian Goff mentioned we want better accountability in the field. Accountabiliity should start at the top. Why are these people who allow all these preventable failures still in place?

In the midst of these very serious cut, Novartis is in desperate need of true leadership. Our future is very dim in General Medicines. I can only hope the other divisions in Novartis have better leadership. They should have had a complete leadership change in the US.


all the people thinking creative, innovative and ahead, get BPO-ed out on anonymous calls by those who don't want change. The internally retired and snakes kill innovation