When you repeatedly have to go outside the company to fill derm DMs spots, does it mean anything?

The best know how to work from home, still get the coaching reports in, and polish up ACT3 charts all while parroting TO's buzzwords.

If you hear your "leader" use intentional, you know they are a sell out.

Now get your damn calls in! I've already made my summer contest numbers for the week!

I think it means that the talent pool in derm is pretty low.
correct. we ran off most of the good ones last October. besides, not a single legacy Celgene dud has been through the leadership course so none of them are eligible to post. the arbitrary rule, which can be amended as needed, prohibits the Celgene complainers from ever doing anything here.

the question is now that TO is in the full mount on these bitches, why aren't the other Amgen career drones coming over? the answer to that question is what you are looking for.

keep trying