When will they share budgets??


Really folks, you’ve had enough time to figure out how to screw us with obscene inflated budgets. How about sharing that information with us little people? You expect all this data/projections/pipelines and you think it’s ok to wait all these months to tell us what our budgets are. How can you possibly rationalize this? Oh that’s right, you don’t need to. We are lucky to have the job even though you can’t keep reps and can’t attract reps without paying a sign on bonus. Pathetic way to treat employees. No one wants to work for Quest. It’s a hellish pressure cooker that forces us to lie about how much UHC business we will get. What happened to integrity?

Really folks, you’ve had enough time to figure out how to screw us with obscene inflated budgets. How about sharing that information with us little people? You expect all this data/projections/pipelines and you think it’s ok to wait all these months to tell us what our budgets are. How can you possibly rationalize this? Oh that’s right, you don’t need to. We are lucky to have the job even though you can’t keep reps and can’t attract reps without paying a sign on bonus. Pathetic way to treat employees. No one wants to work for Quest. It’s a hellish pressure cooker that forces us to lie about how much UHC business we will get. What happened to integrity?

EC understands exactly what is going on with UHC, he counted on a big score which didn't materialize. Time to go back to drawing board.

Losing Aetna more than they expected. Not gaining enough UHC. This translates in to no bonuses for most us. With this in mind they will hold off the budgets as long as possible so people continue to work

EC understands exactly what is going on with UHC, he counted on a big score which didn't materialize. Time to go back to drawing board.
the executive team is puzzled, they thought their plans would work. Our CEO is constantly traveling, skiing and so forth. I thing the underlings basically run this company.

they are still waiting on the new EKRA law and if it will be changed. Why do you think there’s a mass hiring with young reps wanting in the industry? They know people will jump once they find out we will only get paid on metrics, # of new accounts we win, etc...wake up people. This industry is over.

they are still waiting on the new EKRA law and if it will be changed. Why do you think there’s a mass hiring with young reps wanting in the industry? They know people will jump once they find out we will only get paid on metrics, # of new accounts we win, etc...wake up people. This industry is over.

This industry is thriving, with endless possibilities for those who can adapt and keep up with the breakneck pace of our progress. That said, you are finally correct about something, junior. Your chances in this industry were over before you ever got started. Just know this, son. Whoppers don’t flame broil themselves and you will always have a purpose. Hope this helps.

Ahhhhh yes I remember the days of budgets. What a joke. Now I just sell and get paid for what I bring in.....what a concept.

What a concept indeed. Do you mind sharing how much you make when you add two hot apple pies to the price of a value meal? I know an RSR at Quest Diagnostics, that fashions himself to be a salesman that would love to know. Hope this helps.