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When will someone look at this arrangement


As RH continues to cross the line on compliance issues, demonstrate his complete lack of knowledge on the US markets and brag about his ability to flying around in the Corp jet, no one looks at his relationship with Benning international. He has used this group as a crutch for 10 years on Amgen's dime. She is paid over $9,000 a day and not required to justify her existence. It is a crime that GSS or finance or TH have not taken anytime to look at this arrangement/contract. Amgen has paid Benning Int'l millions of dollars a year to give RH someone to do his thinking. Another indication that he knows nothing about marketing. Wake up people. As we look to reduce expenses and people, someone of importance needs to do a deep dive on this. Wake up Suz B, it's your turn.


As RH continues to cross the line on compliance issues, demonstrate his complete lack of knowledge on the US markets and brag about his ability to flying around in the Corp jet, no one looks at his relationship with Benning international. He has used this group as a crutch for 10 years on Amgen's dime. She is paid over $9,000 a day and not required to justify her existence. It is a crime that GSS or finance or TH have not taken anytime to look at this arrangement/contract. Amgen has paid Benning Int'l millions of dollars a year to give RH someone to do his thinking. Another indication that he knows nothing about marketing. Wake up people. As we look to reduce expenses and people, someone of importance needs to do a deep dive on this. Wake up Suz B, it's your turn.

OP is a fired ACCS rep and TROLL don't engage him on here

Any chance I can get someone to help shed the light on this? This relationship is unbelievable. RH is paying millions to LB. This is off the radar and no one is reviewing this. HELP!

Any chance I can get someone to help shed the light on this? This relationship is unbelievable. RH is paying millions to LB. This is off the radar and no one is reviewing this. HELP!

You can anonymously contact corporate audit. This is there job- to ensure the SOX and fiscal controls are in place and adhered to. There are strict rules around justifying consultants.