When will Quest close on the purchase of PathGroup?


Everyone at PathGroup knows it’s coming even if they’re refusing to accept the inevitability in their heart. A once great company is being run into the ground.

There is absolutely no sign that PathGroup leadership can turn the sinking ship around. Especially if cash flows are in as dire straits as rumored.

Every service standard has been abandoned. No employee is above being treated like straight trash.

Executives and Pritzker cashed out the equity of the Covid testing windfall and left the entire company in dire straits.

Shame on you BD, RH, JB, SY and other “leaders”. Greed has rotted your soul.

I guess I’m not officially a newbie after a year selling PathGroup but what the heck did I walk into?

The company doesn’t deliver on the most fundamental selling points.

Told to sell next day TAT on pathology and paps. Company delivery is currently 5-10 days.

Told to sell customer service. Company slashed the client service department. Good luck getting someone on the phone who can resolve an issue or do more than read out of a CS module.

Told to sell excellent clinical TAT. TNP’s are abhorrent because they can’t even get requisitions accessioned in time for CBC’s to still be stable.

Transportation is a coin flip day to day because it’s almost completely subcontracted out through vendors.

It’s crazy times at PathGroup.