when will Orlando recruit me?


Having been an LCM for several years and being experienced running my location even with constant employee turnover, I believe I would be an asset in upper management down in Orlando.
How does one in my position attract the head hunters interest down in Florida?
Having all my reports done on time........every time has'nt worked so far.

Why would you want that ?
Your either brain dead are a huge butt kisser.
What is at corporate that intreasts you ? The corruption, dishonesty or the coverups?

It is my desire bring Rotech into the 21st century. I would begin by rewriting our hiring policy. We need Much more diversity for starters. And to be sure that was being accomplished, I'd review each and every application myself.
Tired of the good old "boy" network.
When I was through, turnover would be a thing of the past.

Obviously a bogus thread if you actually are an LCM you already know the answer to your question. Upper management is closed to those without large amounts of stock and screw the employee mentality. So go ahead mods get rid of this thread

If nothing else, this site always provides ample amusement.

Sure does.

Whatever happens to Rotech...I hope the employees do not need to make any additional cut backs on top of the previous recent years. They really need to work on a training program for all new employees at the location level.

None of this...well you just push this button and then that one. Or hear often, "I don't know why you do it I was just showed how to do it this way when I started".

Who knows with some of their other changes to start getting all locations on the same playing board...it might be in the works.

It sure would assist in the fleeing of workers after a couple of months to be able to come in as a new employee and be trained properly on any given system and how things are done at Rotech.