When will Mien be available to patients?


Can someone please let me know when Miebo will be available? I have an appt. with my opthamologist next week, and I want to get this. Any info will be helpful. Thank you

Amazon sells EvoTears

I'll look again. I didn't see it on Amazon.

Is it the same concentration (from all the sites shown above) as the prescription one? Most don't ship to the USA but one does. Thanks again for the answers. I am at my wits' end with this dry eye disease and nothing is working. I've tried pretty much everything.

Appreciate the info.

it's not on Amazon any longer. My eye Dr. said it's coming out in Sept. I hope they have copay cards and samples. She spoke with the rep last week.

Why don't the reps on this board know when it's out if my eye Dr. found out?