When will Astellas go under?


When will Astellas go under? With the massive shift to BLM directives, how will anyone focus on sales? Sales numbers will go away, because it's not fair. We heard a preclude to that in a call earlier this year. Plus everyone is getting paid at quota anyways. No one is doing anything to work, in fact it's up to you if you want to leave your house and work, if you feel "safe". New hires will be less and less qualified, and hired into higher level positions. How is it sustainable?

When will Astellas go under? With the massive shift to BLM directives, how will anyone focus on sales? Sales numbers will go away, because it's not fair. We heard a preclude to that in a call earlier this year. Plus everyone is getting paid at quota anyways. No one is doing anything to work, in fact it's up to you if you want to leave your house and work, if you feel "safe". New hires will be less and less qualified, and hired into higher level positions. How is it sustainable?

Blah blah blah. Guaranteed bonuses this year coupled with our record sales prove that bonuses don't work anymore to motivate anyone. We need to change with the times. Just kill the archaic system and increase our salary by the corresponding amount. Treat people with respect, let us determine our own hours, and great things are occurring.

If the sales are there with you doing nothing, there's no way they will continue to pay a "bonus" when you've done nothing to earn said "bonus". I think you need to lay off the smoke!

Who says we are doing nothing? Plenty of reps are out in the field and have access. Not everyone is scared or lazy and staying home. I know they say do what you are comfortable with but at the end of the day they will be looking to see who was out in the field.