when-where-and why ?


MELBOURNE, May 7 - Australian blood products and vaccines maker CSL Ltd <CSL.AX> said on Thursday U.S. competition regulators had yet to make a decision on its proposed $3.1 billion takeover of smaller rival Talecris Biotherapeutics Holdings Corp .

CSL agreed to buy Talecris from its U.S. private equity owners Cerberus Partners and Ampersand Ventures last August.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has been investigating the deal and there has been speculation that it might force CSL to sell off some assets.

"This development is not unusual and provides no indication that the deal will, or will not, proceed, or the timing of an FTC decision," CSL said.

how many times have I said Cerberus is duping CSL. No longer the case and even the FTC , after watching how Cerberus handled the Chrysler debacle, has decided to dig deeper and play hardball ( without MSNBC's Chris Matthews ) ! CSL may be able to use these new delays to negotiate a better(lower) price. Despite how many feel, a Talecris IPO would not, ever, reap better returns. Sorry Hanson, you are dead wrong here!

how many times have I said Cerberus is duping CSL. No longer the case and even the FTC , after watching how Cerberus handled the Chrysler debacle, has decided to dig deeper and play hardball ( without MSNBC's Chris Matthews ) ! CSL may be able to use these new delays to negotiate a better(lower) price. Despite how many feel, a Talecris IPO would not, ever, reap better returns. Sorry Hanson, you are dead wrong here!

The absolute worse case for Talecris employees is for this deal not to go through!! Hopefully the FTC will allow the acquisition to occur and soon.

obviously you are referring to those Talecris employees with stock options of which you are most likely one of the blessed. The vast majority of employees won't benefit from the CSL buyout and you know why. Tell the rest of us why this would be a good deal for the non-stock holder employees mr. spin doc.

The absolute worse case for Talecris employees is for this deal not to go through!! Hopefully the FTC will allow the acquisition to occur and soon.

Today's news: CSL "negotiating" with FTC to support the deal. As expected, CSL is not stupid and will not be duped by Cerberus. The wheels are already in motion for CSL to lower the offer price ... no surprise here ... assuming the Obama team will even approve it. Obama knows a deal means big time job losses in NC, and this comes at the worst possible time. Sorry Talecris people with stock options, don't spend that money yet!!

and guess what else? In their bankruptcy filling Chryler is asking the government to forgive their 7 billion dollar bridge loan. So, Not-so stevie fineburgular and his pirate crew won't be givng back taxpayer monies!!!!

CSL, make them walk the plank !

rumor has it that majority investors, including Dick's Chainey, are demanding the stevie not-so-fineburglar put training wheels back on his cerberus bike!!!! Seems the three-headed dog is really a wall street dog to the 3rd degree!!!!! Now we understand why he used the doggie icon. If stevie was smart, he would rush to change the name as many have suggested over the years.

Not looking good. Nine months review and the FTC still undecided?? Cerberus top Republican brass Snow and Qualye couldn't get their Washington insider friends to seal the deal and make them even richer! Obama team is changing the game, and looks at Cerberus as another greedy private equity firm especially after the Chrysler mess. Obama is playing hardball. If a deal is ever reached, it won't be as originally envisioned and certainly won't play into making the greedy richer especially through the loss of jobs in the merged company.

It's all or nothing boys and girls. What assets do you blowhards imagine that CSL would be willing to divest to meet FTC concerns, such that the deal would still make economic sense? Despite all the ball swinging on this board, neither Cerberus nor CSL is going to be taken to the cleaners on this deal, so the only way it works is if FTC approves the deal essentially as proposed. Stay tuned.

you are such a putz! You think the FTC will allow CSL to maintain two alpha one products or two IVIG's without some adjustment. The deal is not all or nothing and I expect CSL to make some concessions backstopped by a reduced acqusition cost. Major layoffs have to happen to gain immediate operating expense reductions to make this work. TPR and R&D hit the hardest.

At $3.1B, Cerberus is taking CSL to the cleaners! It made some economic sense for CSL when the analysis was done in early 2008. With major staff reductions in the merged company, the numbers worked. Now conditions have changed especially with the new administration. For the deal to go forward, there must be concessions on both sides especially Cerberus lowering its demand on the acquisition price. Maybe CSL has to guarantee some job security since the government doesn't want to trigger major layoffs which definitely will happen. Expect some adjustments or the deal is dead.

read and weep. Only Aussie analysts could possibly imagine that CSL can get clearance by divesting "c10" plasma "centres" HELLO the problem is IGIV market shares


CSL (CSLKZG) – Deal or no deal

CSL proposed $3.1 billion acquisition of rival Talecris faces a serious threat from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which is concerned about competition in the U.S. Lawyers at the FTC have told the companies that the agency is preparing to sue to block the deal as proposed, which seeks to combine two of the largest five companies providing plasma protein products in a $15 billion global market.

We believe CSL wouldn’t be surprised if they had to divest some plasma centres to get the deal through. RBS Research have calculated, CSL would have 33% of the US plasma collection centre market after this acquisition. CSL may have to divest c10 centres out of a total of c120 centres which would be marginal to earnings.

We saw market sentiment hit the stock badly on Thursday, closing down 4.7% to $31.91. RBS Research maintain a target price of $47.15 if the Talecris deal is approved, which we feel will happen in one form or another. The target price if the deal was block would be c$37 and still represent significant upside in our #1 healthcare pick.

The word on the street is it will go through in one form or another and anyone who thinks that CSL will not have to make some type of concession is a fool.

TPR needs the deal to go through and soon because they can never survive without it and does not have the talent to support an IPO.