What is company doing to stop barrage of resignations on Iluyma? Sun can’t spin this. Since drug launched when there is a 2nd or 3rd new TM in same territory that doesn’t look good let’s face it. I was told to give offices bs story about why other TM left to save face but they knew. When Dr says “even you all selling this drug don’t believe in it” you know it’s bad. Why ask these TMs to lie when leaving? I didn’t lie when I resigned, offices knew I thought this was a cluster f and maybe in time it’ll smooth out but not for awhile. Felt bad for person coming behind me but I’m not lying for Sun after how I did and said everything I was told only to have my word get trashed because Sun’s screwups. Sun you need to look at keeping people who work hard and have been committed because it’ll hurt business all these resignations.