I got a verbal offer. I haven't gotten notice that I've cleared yet. Would you resign once you clear but haven't received written offer or do you wait until you actually have the written offer?
I got a verbal offer. I haven't gotten notice that I've cleared yet. Would you resign once you clear but haven't received written offer or do you wait until you actually have the written offer?
While I've done this is the past, I wouldn't do it here. Shire got pretty nasty with many who left recently. Then again I guess it depends on what division you're in and where you are going too. For example a competing company or drug.Wait for your actual start date. You can double dip the two weeks or quit straight away. Up to you.
Why would you wait until it’s a bloodbath? Take action of your future now. After Jan 8th it’s wait til April
Why would you wait until it’s a bloodbath? Take action of your future now. After Jan 8th it’s over.
It’s only over for a couple of BUs. A big chunk though