When does one resign? Steps...


I got a verbal offer. I haven't gotten notice that I've cleared yet. Would you resign once you clear but haven't received written offer or do you wait until you actually have the written offer?

Wait for your actual start date. You can double dip the two weeks or quit straight away. Up to you.
While I've done this is the past, I wouldn't do it here. Shire got pretty nasty with many who left recently. Then again I guess it depends on what division you're in and where you are going too. For example a competing company or drug.

this company sucks incompetence in every department treat employees like shit and screw you evrryway
No one takes responsibility for anything always passing the buck
I'm leaving end on month and glad to be done with this unprofessional group

if you give a two week notice and you’re not double dipping they will pay you the two weeks, but you’re just going to close out your warehouse, return your iPad, and company car and finish out any expense reports.

If you try to give a two week notice while working for another company- double dipping, you will probably find they will not pay you. They shouldn’t, really. I think they are focusing mostly on those going to competitive companies.

if you have Shire Rewards or globoforce points clear them out. They say you have 90 days on the shire rewards points but I’ve heard the globoforce account closes down immediately. Use em, don’t lose em.

Also, according to the vacation guidelines, they will only allow about 10 hours a month. So if you try to take a week in vacation they will dock your final pay anything over that.

Check on your insurance coverage and how long your coverage lasts and when it will start at your new employer.