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When can we say Enbrel derm is officially dead


Cosentyx is shaping up to be one of Novartis' biggest rollouts ever, CEO Joe Jimenez said Tuesday; the company is now looking for $4 billion or more in peak sales from the med. Spending more on both new launches “is absolutely the right thing to do,” Jimenez said during a press call. “There are two big catalysts for this company in the next five years. One of them is Cosentyx and one of them is Entresto, so we’re not going to let any constraints minimize the peak sales potential of that brand.”

Enbrel is already beat by Humira, Stelara, Otezla and now the new IL-17s. $4B peak sales for Consentyx is way more than the $1B peak that Enbrel used to get


An obvious pivot would be to the Humira biosimilar with both Derm and Rheum. Will Amgen take on the legal battle to make it happen? Aggressive contracting would be a gamechanger but never has been done across the board. This whole biologics game is going to get far more messy before it settles down. Rough seas ahead!

An obvious pivot would be to the Humira biosimilar with both Derm and Rheum. Will Amgen take on the legal battle to make it happen? Aggressive contracting would be a gamechanger but never has been done across the board. This whole biologics game is going to get far more messy before it settles down. Rough seas ahead!

abandon ship

An obvious pivot would be to the Humira biosimilar with both Derm and Rheum. Will Amgen take on the legal battle to make it happen? Aggressive contracting would be a gamechanger but never has been done across the board. This whole biologics game is going to get far more messy before it settles down. Rough seas ahead!

All companies will engage in the patent fight but remember. Each patent case will take X amount of time for a resolution. Abbvie's robust patent estate is made so that after they unsuccessfully defend each patent, they have another one giving them another 3 month battle. With the number of patents they have, they believe it can stall a biosimilar until 2022. The millions it will cost them in top lawyers is meaningless compared to the billions this drug makes.

All companies will engage in the patent fight but remember. Each patent case will take X amount of time for a resolution. Abbvie's robust patent estate is made so that after they unsuccessfully defend each patent, they have another one giving them another 3 month battle. With the number of patents they have, they believe it can stall a biosimilar until 2022. The millions it will cost them in top lawyers is meaningless compared to the billions this drug makes.

look for a new job

Celgene Corp(NASDAQ:CELG) launched Otezla in 2014 to diversify its revenue stream and by all measures, Celgene's first foray into autoimmune disease has been a success. Second quarter sales of Otezla clocked in at $242 million, up 170% from last year and 24% from Q1. Can Otezla's sales continue to head higher?

Basically, Otezla is close to being a $1B dollar drug 2 years after it launched. Kyprolis isn't even close to being a $1B and it was launched 2 years before.



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