My prediction is they will be announced in March to take effect May1
It was announced this week at Mgr meeting National meeting would be May/june timeframe
Usually this NSM takes place after all changes have been made

Really, I was listening when I was there - "...we will know something by the end of the first quarter." We may be going to trimesters, but the financial world 1st quarter ends in March. Don't make stuff up!

You may not have been listening but it was said several times to my peeps that
May June is the national meeting
Look who cares when the 1st Q ends. Its about right....announcement made in late March
Changes take effect May 1 . End of story

You may not have been listening but it was said several times to my peeps that
May June is the national meeting
Look who cares when the 1st Q ends. Its about right....announcement made in late March
Changes take effect May 1 . End of story

1st quater refers to March...they dont pay attention to ic calendar. march is announcement.May is doi.