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Did anyone see the memo on PDIU with the two mysterious questions? Is this is the bomb someone referred to awhile back, or am I being paranoid?

So basically, the memo is stating that either we choose to work full time for 20 grand or we just don't work at all? That's how I read it. So, this is what it has come to...

Not enough information to make this decision. Five months goes through July or Aug. after that what? The chance to continue with PDI? read this carefully. I am thinking reps will have the territory of two and three reps, that would be the kicker, our own car? Comes out to what we are making in good times at part time. I love they are giving us hours to make this decision.

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Check out this article before you make any promises to PDI to promote T next fall...what are they willing to promise you in return??

So far I have been stonewalled by my DM about any details on these possible contracts. Everything is sent to us at the very last second with a deadline to complete on the next day. Better known as the... ("PDI firedrill" or the "All hands on deck" voicemail/ email ).

Then,ironically management gives you no additional information on these contracts or any idea of what is going on with them.

Talk about a need to communicate better America . Look in the mirror, management you are the worst when it comes to follow-up on job openings, details on contracts etc.

Come on, We need the info man! This ship is sinking and on fire!

Good Luck and Good Selling to all!

Flexible job environment is the number 1 reason IMHO many reps stay. How many calls are required to get a little less than $4,000 a month? At $20 a call that would be 200. Currently 130-150 calls is considered part-time. How many reps per state do they need, is there extreme driving? I agree too many unanswered questions.

yes, I agree, what about mileage, territory, # of calls, bonus, company, product, samples, training, tests, deletes, rts, sp, 401k, plus NO insurance? Too many unanswered questions!!!

Then just check the 'no' box...stop complaining. Management is just exploring new opportunities for SS. I don't know about you but if I lived my life not doing anything because I didn't have all the answers I would end up never doing anything!

Flexible job environment is the number 1 reason IMHO many reps stay. How many calls are required to get a little less than $4,000 a month? At $20 a call that would be 200. Currently 130-150 calls is considered part-time. How many reps per state do they need, is there extreme driving? I agree too many unanswered questions.

If it is salary and full time you can forget about planning any summer vacation!

Pull your nose out of someone's backend. Yes, everyone deserves to enjoy a summer vacation with family! We all signed on for flex-time for a reason, remember?

Well then I hope you checked "no" that you were not interested, so that those of us who truly need it, will have the opportunity! Not everyone "deserves" a vacation, if they can't afford one because they don't have a job. Quit living in a fantasy world Tinkerbell!

who are we kidding there is zero business in shared sales. We have until the end of Feb and the doors will shut on this division. Thanks America. Years of success and it only took you three years to run yet another division to the ground. Just like BMS and JNJ