What's up with this company?

I agree they did the right thing by getting in bed w LabCorp and doing research with the low risk population. They own the private practice OB/GYN who has the commercial patients. SQNM went after MFM who has for the most part the low or no pay medicaid and what few high risk the OBs want to send them.

Technology is all the same the only thing that matters is getting a result in a timely fashion and price to the patient. It is weird to see some of their top sales reps leaving.

Each and every one of you has a choice to make: either resolve to improve yourselves, own your performance, and strive to be a part of something big...or continue your subpar efforts until we finally run out of patience.

hope this helps

Each and every one of you has a choice to make:

a) hang on with a failing company and wait until one day the doors are locked and you're terminated without severance and COBRA, and you can be an unsecured creditor in the Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy;


b) get a job with a stable company now before you find yourself unemployed and without medical insurance.