What's up...VPs telling their friends to take the package


What is in the wind. I have had two VPs telling me to take the package....and run !!!

Could it be that we are about to experience a cataclysmic event ???

Could it be they are trying to protect their buds before thousands of people hit the street ???


Could it be they know that there is no hope of ever fixing this disaster, even at their level, and they are just collecting their salary while it lasts ???


Merck has become the Amityville Horror of employers. I have had several VP and above (!!) former bosses call me to also whisper GET OUT!

There's most certainly something worse than the present on its way.

Maybe it has to do w/ the huge fines and CIA agreement we will have to have w/ the off label promotion of Dulera. I know our competition is collecting a lot of stuff. A pulmonologist actually said that one of comp's regional mgr's was taking notes on conversations that we have had around COPD. Class effect, right doc?

What is in the wind. I have had two VPs telling me to take the package....and run !!!

Could it be that we are about to experience a cataclysmic event ???

Could it be they are trying to protect their buds before thousands of people hit the street ???


Could it be they know that there is no hope of ever fixing this disaster, even at their level, and they are just collecting their salary while it lasts ???

Yeah...this seems plausible. 2 VPs told you to take the package !! Just another in a long line of ridiculous fabricated threads on this joke of a website

Yeah...this seems plausible. 2 VPs told you to take the package !! Just another in a long line of ridiculous fabricated threads on this joke of a website

No joke at all. I haven't posted in this thread and I've also been encouraged to grab a package and put Merck in my rear view while I'm still young enough not to regret it.

In the last few months alone, I've watched entire sales groups get eliminated, a national HSA manager and my area's DCO leave Merck, along with many reps and other employees. There is something terribly wrong here and Merck can't cut enough costs to stay in front of it. When was the last time anything more than a big "maybe" came out of MRL? And I don't mean embarrassments like Liptruzet or Juvisync. Jesus, this place is a mess. MRK will be a $20 stock in no time. Maybe lower.

I've notice the movement of people, same as a few years ago when BM suddenly opted for the new "MGAM" position. Interestedly, all are still with mother while many others are gone. We had a CTL go to the new respiratory specialty group, they and the are clearly "safe" from the next round. We had a CTL move to MGAM (whatever the new acronym is) and is definitely safe., we had another go to West-point on special assignment.(safe). We had the announcement of the 4 key areas of focus: Onc, Diab, Vaccines, and Womens (all safe) but just prior to the announcement of the "key areas of focus", the primary care respiratory and athro teams realigned under the same CTL--ready for a clean cut (that is, the ax will fall anytime).

I've notice the movement of people, same as a few years ago when BM suddenly opted for the new "MGAM" position. Interestedly, all are still with mother while many others are gone. We had a CTL go to the new respiratory specialty group, they and the are clearly "safe" from the next round. We had a CTL move to MGAM (whatever the new acronym is) and is definitely safe., we had another go to West-point on special assignment.(safe). We had the announcement of the 4 key areas of focus: Onc, Diab, Vaccines, and Womens (all safe) but just prior to the announcement of the "key areas of focus", the primary care respiratory and athro teams realigned under the same CTL--ready for a clean cut (that is, the ax will fall anytime).

Good analysis. I hope the ax falls by end of year. Ready to go but need some pocket cash to bridge to the next gig.

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