What's the strategy


Does anyone else in the BHBU have NO clue what the strategy is? Is it buy and bill? Is it specialty pharmacy? Is it Part D? Is it LTC? Is it small, retail pharmacy? Is it injection network? OK, so don't tell me it's all of those, because it can't be all of those at once! The strategy is disjointed, not well thought out, and introducing 3 new strategies while changing and adding forms for the docs is just insane. My head is spinning and I still have to review and be ready for more strategy and forms on Friday!!!! I'm not sure my manager knows either, he's just as bewildered as we are!

I won't justify your post with a crude remark. Seriously? I will use whatever strategy that "I" feel is right for "MY" territory and will use whatever resources the company provides me as long as I think those resources will help me! I will get syringes with any and every fulfillment strategy that the company throws out there. I will figure it out. I will not discriminate from any fulfillment pathway because I need the syringes, period! So far, so good!

If the new forms that you are referring to are the new IVF forms, man, they have been available for a couple of months now. I have been using those for quite some time. Accounts don't HAVE to use them if they don't want to. Just replenish your accounts when you can.

Good Luck!

I guess I am just frustrated with the lack of leadership and then the pressure to sell more where there isn't any more coming at this point. It takes a while to execute a strategy, such as buy and bill, injection network, part D, and they want it all yesterday. While I understand that, the lack of a clear, concise execution strategy AND then working that strategy for 6-9 months is what gets sales. Not this new strategy, tools, and then expectation in one month.

Think of the tools we received and yet they were blown by and barely given any recognition except a corporate communication. The new binders, the magnets, the office magazines (which are great), posters, forms, streaming video....get the point. I am actually doing well in my territory but my head is spinning!!

And thank you for no crude post. This is what the boards are for!