What's the story with move to NJ?

you are all nuts - do you think these folks are that incompetent to not have a site picked out when they announced the move last year? I heard there was an article in the New York Times about corporations signing commitments to work in the tunnels under the marshland in the meadowlands. if I were a betting girl I'd bet mallinckrodt signed to that commitment and there is an issue with the NJ governors office. The tunnels are functional and the offices are built out. There are ridiculous awesome amenities with views of the underground ecosystem in every office. Must be NJ politics at work preventing this from being announced.

you are all nuts - do you think these folks are that incompetent to not have a site picked out when they announced the move last year? I heard there was an article in the New York Times about corporations signing commitments to work in the tunnels under the marshland in the meadowlands. if I were a betting girl I'd bet mallinckrodt signed to that commitment and there is an issue with the NJ governors office. The tunnels are functional and the offices are built out. There are ridiculous awesome amenities with views of the underground ecosystem in every office. Must be NJ politics at work preventing this from being announced.
So funny!

the only people who would join this company or relocate right now are jobless or not informed on what is going on. Heard that this company announced a move last year and told employees they either need to leave the company or relocate to either PA or NJ. Last year - big states with a lot of options. Still no location confirmed. how is this okay? Amazed that the press has not picked this up. If this is true it's irresponsible behavior that is pretty outrageous.

the only people who would join this company or relocate right now are jobless or not informed on what is going on. Heard that this company announced a move last year and told employees they either need to leave the company or relocate to either PA or NJ. Last year - big states with a lot of options. Still no location confirmed. how is this okay? Amazed that the press has not picked this up. If this is true it's irresponsible behavior that is pretty outrageous.

True. Anyone who would accept an offer is jobless. They are sketchy and vague is true!
No timeline. It is all BS. They have lost people because of this. You tell people to move but have no location? You give options - it could be this or that? Dude - NJ and PA are BIG states. Smart people will pick up on this.

many people impacted. families, dual incomes, kids. telling all these people to move and not have specifics is something best places to work pull off. based on what is on this thread and postings - glass door ect Mallinckrodt has a long way to go. this is start of new company culture wrong foot to say the least.

many people impacted. families, dual incomes, kids. telling all these people to move and not have specifics is something best places to work pull off. based on what is on this thread and postings - glass door ect Mallinckrodt has a long way to go. this is start of new company culture wrong foot to say the least.

Agree completely. It is disturbing.
If you are desperate you will accept the job not knowing.
If you are smart, you will see that there is something 'off'. No one knows! Dual income families - do not come over!