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What's the latest on the Oncol reorg?


Rumors say this summer territories could have diff managers, some managers might go, some may have the whole portfolio in their bag.. Seems like we have too many managers in large markets managing the same products. Something has to change. Any news?


"Operation Blueprint" will be executed in September. The only thing that has been finalized is that Erbitux will go to one rep per territory. Outside of that nothing else has been set in stone.

A few select RBDs know, and have contributed, to this plan. DMs don't know specifics about this.

Stay tuned. More to come.

"Operation Blueprint" will be executed in September. The only thing that has been finalized is that Erbitux will go to one rep per territory. Outside of that nothing else has been set in stone.

A few select RBDs know, and have contributed, to this plan. DMs don't know specifics about this.

Stay tuned. More to come.

Well supposedly the Contract Reps have been renewed for another two years. In September, Crystal will still be in launch mode. Will there be layoffs if we go to one rep per territory for Erbi? The BMS reps have all the tenure, contacts, why should Contract reps be left on if thats a plan?

"Operation Blueprint" will be executed in September. The only thing that has been finalized is that Erbitux will go to one rep per territory. Outside of that nothing else has been set in stone.

A few select RBDs know, and have contributed, to this plan. DMs don't know specifics about this.

Stay tuned. More to come.

If they let go reps, they have to reduce the number of managers and RBD's. Any manager hired/promoted within 2 years is a good place to start- they're idiots.

Layoffs are unpleasant, but this division is not the panacea of growth everyone thought it would be. Lung is dead...Brav is delayed or dead....Sprycel will see a bit more growth at best and Erb CRYSTAL is not going to boost sales much because there is no Avastin comparative arm....CSOs unless you are really really well liked, start looking and everyone else buckle down because it's gonna be a white Christmas....white like your face when you get that Friday morning 609 call.

Layoffs are unpleasant, but this division is not the panacea of growth everyone thought it would be. Lung is dead...Brav is delayed or dead....Sprycel will see a bit more growth at best and Erb CRYSTAL is not going to boost sales much because there is no Avastin comparative arm....CSOs unless you are really really well liked, start looking and everyone else buckle down because it's gonna be a white Christmas....white like your face when you get that Friday morning 609 call.

The H & N launch didn't impact growth all that much either.. now going into first line CRC will be a double battle. Obviously there's enough reps out there that can handle this with Sprycel. What about the EGFR specialists..that was a mistake. Now there are too many Reps with too many DBMs competing for access. Seems we're our own worst enemy.

The H & N launch didn't impact growth all that much either.. now going into first line CRC will be a double battle. Obviously there's enough reps out there that can handle this with Sprycel. What about the EGFR specialists..that was a mistake. Now there are too many Reps with too many DBMs competing for access. Seems we're our own worst enemy.

What ar the "Project Blueprint" plans for CSO's?

Looks like now is the time to move on out of BMS Oncology!

An honest review of the products, management, and pipeline and you really can't see a future or any pride in this portfolio. It seems like the only reason to stay is if you aren't marketable.

I am so sick of reading about how terrible oncology is. This is still a great job for the amount of money we get paid. Quit complaining. You are bringing the rest of the team down. Leave if you are unhappy. I agree- we need a serious reorganization-- there are way too many of us competing with each other for customer time. Sorry CSOs you need to go. You were brought on with the premise that 3 things were going to happen and as you know- 2 of them haven't happened so don't be shocked when you are all let go. That has been the story since you came on board, it is no secret. Keep the specialists to focus on institutions and keep one rep selling erb/spr and one selling yerv/ix in larger community territories. I believe this is still a great company and we have let some bad apples ruin our culture. Let's take it back. It is interesting that oncology didn't any active posts until we decided to expand managers and add more reps, I wonder who is on here being so offensive and obnoxious? Do you think the timing is a coincidence? Just sayin.

Some RBDs had 360's done on their managers hopefully to pick the right ones to go. Certainly I can't speak for all the new managers but I can speak for the 3 out of 4 that I interact with and they are clueless

I am so sick of reading about how terrible oncology is. This is still a great job for the amount of money we get paid. Quit complaining. You are bringing the rest of the team down. Leave if you are unhappy. I agree- we need a serious reorganization-- there are way too many of us competing with each other for customer time. Sorry CSOs you need to go. You were brought on with the premise that 3 things were going to happen and as you know- 2 of them haven't happened so don't be shocked when you are all let go. That has been the story since you came on board, it is no secret. Keep the specialists to focus on institutions and keep one rep selling erb/spr and one selling yerv/ix in larger community territories. I believe this is still a great company and we have let some bad apples ruin our culture. Let's take it back. It is interesting that oncology didn't any active posts until we decided to expand managers and add more reps, I wonder who is on here being so offensive and obnoxious? Do you think the timing is a coincidence? Just sayin.

Look at the riff-raff they brought over here! Wasn't it the neuroscience division that got us in trouble to begin with? Now issues with Ixempra? That is what you get when you bring almost 100% of your other divisions over here. It should be a mix. And managers and RBD's with no selling experience in this marketplace. When was the last time you heard "get 2 more patients"? Wasn't that in primary care? What bad apples are you referring too? All over here protecting each other...they do not work, make up calls, call on Roncs for Sprycel, calling on retired docs...it is a mess. Otherwise, would be a great job!

Look at the riff-raff they brought over here! Wasn't it the neuroscience division that got us in trouble to begin with? Now issues with Ixempra? That is what you get when you bring almost 100% of your other divisions over here. It should be a mix. And managers and RBD's with no selling experience in this marketplace. When was the last time you heard "get 2 more patients"? Wasn't that in primary care? What bad apples are you referring too? All over here protecting each other...they do not work, make up calls, call on Roncs for Sprycel, calling on retired docs...it is a mess. Otherwise, would be a great job!

BMS oncology is gone forever. We'll never have the respect of our customers with current primary care running things

Well the writing was on the wall the moment Murdo Gordon got the job. He has very quickly built a management team that consists almost entirely of his former Abilify leaders. With the exception of Santosh, his entire team is Abilify. Abilify is a huge success and these are basically smart folks, but I think they are one trick ponies. You can almost guarantee that the field force will be restructured with a small set of TBMs calling on KOLs, Institutions or National Accounts (or something like that) with the rest of the TBMs calling on the community Onc s. And we will be given a few messages and expected to deliver them with robotic precision and frequency, all documented in lots of metrics. It has already started and you can see the rest of it coming. The primary care model is here. And folks like Lynelle Hoch will drive it home with a ferocity that you need to be prepared for. Or you won't be here long.

These sales jobs are all the same-It does not matter who you call on, Cards, IM'S, Oncologists, your selling a drug-it's all the same. I work in Immunology as a rep, my job is no different then a rep selling a diabetes drug.
Hey old time Oncology people-you know who you are-we all put our big boy pants on the same way.