What's The Deal With CP Deleting Posts?

funny above poster. Notice the top line "what you can do to help protect free speech on the internet." posted by CP. They also opposed SOPA/PIPA. Wonder why? Mods care to chime in?

Oh it doesn't. Glad you're not a lawyer!

How can you ask to have your speech protected when you won't own up to the speech being yours?
You need a lawyer to tell you that to have a cause of action in court you need to bring the complaint forward? What if the speech is libelous? Doesn't the libeled have a right to protection from that libel?
you must be one of those Appalachian Mountain range folk that think having sex with your sister is normal. Ooh is that libelous to reps from W.Va. Maybe it is a good thing you are a, dumb as a rock, pharma rep.

How can you ask to have your speech protected when you won't own up to the speech being yours?
You need a lawyer to tell you that to have a cause of action in court you need to bring the complaint forward? What if the speech is libelous? Doesn't the libeled have a right to protection from that libel?
you must be one of those Appalachian Mountain range folk that think having sex with your sister is normal. Ooh is that libelous to reps from W.Va. Maybe it is a good thing you are a, dumb as a rock, pharma rep.

Eh - the above person either flunked out of the profession or is trying to sound smart. Supremes already ruled on 1st amendment protection for blogosphere (repeatedly). Too bad you are too dumb/misinformed to realize it. See below dumbass:

A much-cited 1995 Supreme Court ruling in McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission reads:

Protections for anonymous speech are vital to democratic discourse. Allowing dissenters to shield their identities frees them to express critical minority views . . . Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. . . . It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation . . . at the hand of an intolerant society.


Don't pick on West Virginia. It's not their fault everyone is related and you can have an affair with farm animals.

  • cafead   Mar 27, 2012 at 03:40: PM
funny above poster. Notice the top line "what you can do to help protect free speech on the internet." posted by CP. They also opposed SOPA/PIPA. Wonder why? Mods care to chime in?

Please read the link about protecting free speech, and it will explaining our position and reasoning.


How can you ask to have your speech protected when you won't own up to the speech being yours?
You need a lawyer to tell you that to have a cause of action in court you need to bring the complaint forward? What if the speech is libelous? Doesn't the libeled have a right to protection from that libel?
you must be one of those Appalachian Mountain range folk that think having sex with your sister is normal. Ooh is that libelous to reps from W.Va. Maybe it is a good thing you are a, dumb as a rock, pharma rep.

If you're trying to make yourself appear intelligent while bashing others, please learn the correct abbreviations for the states. BTW, it's WV. Joke is on you, city boy.

"Journalist Rebecca MacKinnon argued in an op-ed that making companies liable for users' actions could have a chilling effect on user-generated sites such as YouTube. "The intention is not the same as China’s Great Firewall, a nationwide system of Web censorship, but the practical effect could be similar," she says. The Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) warned that websites Etsy, Flickr and Vimeo all seemed likely to shut down if the bill becomes law."

Please! Should have consulted your staff of esq. Oh, but they don't have an email link either. YouTube is all over this your general message board - did you fail to notice.

Some of the posts deleted don't implicitly cite anyone. Does the First Amendment apply to cafepharma?
we have a serial anonymous posting who has suggested shooting the company’s executive, claims that the company is closing its door, claims the company proprietary source code is posted on the ‘dark web, defamatory posts making fictitious claims of sexual harassment agains an executive. Post are removed although information can be used as evidence. Lately, we find posts that respond with facts identifying the anonymous postings these post are being removed event though accepted by cafe pharma. Can an account owner remove any posting?