Whats the best implant to work for in the industry


Currently selling devices. I have heard great things about AH. I would like some honest responses to what are some great companies to work for?? I realize no company is perfect. What are the growing companies? Also who pays well?? Myself and my family would appreciate this info as I am looking to change due to changes in human healthcare. Seems like AH may be what human pharma was like 20 yrs ago. Am I wrong? Opinions appreciated?

Currently selling devices. I have heard great things about AH. I would like some honest responses to what are some great companies to work for?? I realize no company is perfect. What are the growing companies? Also who pays well?? Myself and my family would appreciate this info as I am looking to change due to changes in human healthcare. Seems like AH may be what human pharma was like 20 yrs ago. Am I wrong? Opinions appreciated?

Implant? WTF are you talking about?

I thought devices was where the real salesmen go, it's far superior to Pharma, device reps make millions and get to wear super cool scrubs.

What your 2 drs you live for to make you quota have switched to Striker because the striker rep bought season tickets for the dr or washes his car better or takes him to better concerts or is married to his niece.

Having trouble surviving with a knife to your throat and living on your drs schedule? Sorry hone the kids can't do soccer I had a bad month.

Stay in devices you won't fare well in Animal Health