What's happening with CNS?

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????? ARE YOU SERIOUS????? Sounds like PERFECT AZ management material to me!!!! We are lucky to have this guy!
There is no way that AZ would allow someone to remain in a leadership position leading women if they are involved in domestic abuse or battering women. Have you been paying attention to the NFL news lately? So I say your accusation is total bullshit.
But if it is true and you can prove it then report him to h.r. annonymously of course to protect yourself.

Whats happening with CNS? Why we are the best sales force out there! We challenge our physicians daily - some of the happen to be psychiatrists. However we are just being positioned to sell that fabulous new product known as Movantik. I can't wait - this is nothing that can't be obtained as a generic and as usual for this TA is not best or even first in class. I just sit back and wait since now they NEEd us for this fabulous new addition to our bags! Can't wait and can you say "Latuda"