there stock hasis dropped almost 50 percent since their last CEO just 5 months ago. And now they seem to be in some legal trouble
Vaders strikes again! You gotta know he's somehow involved in this mess.
Securities fraud now? WTF!!$#
OMG... have you seen all the postings on yahoo financials? how many more law firms will jump in? What's going on? could this be the end of the company? what type of lawsuit are they pursuing?
they even fired the loser compliance officer Mark Boone. What a loser.
Securities fraud. putting up false results to attract investors.bwaahaaa. sell.
The "perp walk" is getting to be a regular event at this company. Odds are this time it'll be someone (or more) from senior management (either current or past). Put on the coffee - this is going to get interesting!