Whats going on with the nurses?


What is going on with the Cheshire nurses? The inside Case Managers are bolting. Whats going on? Some long term good ones too. Bonuses hit and next day, bye bye. Can we risk more leaving? Selfishly with end of quarter, this sucks.

How is anyone surprised?? You can only abuse people for so long before they leave. If those case managers had stock, they were probably biding their time. How soon before RAMs follow?
Flaw in the "more faster" master plan. It all catches up.

How is anyone surprised?? You can only abuse people for so long before they leave. If those case managers had stock, they were probably biding their time. How soon before RAMs follow?
Flaw in the "more faster" master plan. It all catches up.

The extra $30K ($20K, after taxes) per year at ALXN isn't worth it when your face and internal organs age in dog years.

Who you kidding, 30 was their yearly bonus then there was the twice a year stock roll outs. They were all pushing 150-170, maybe broke 200 on a good year and I don't mean weight. At least four of the five had been here for years, (one was kind of new) back to launch #1, back when the stock was the price of lunch. Look back at the stock prices in 2007 and 2008. Don't let them kid your either, three of the five left for more money with a start up bio-pharm. Start the process all over again. They are just like us. Heck we taught them how! Good for you girls! Still not worth the whole internal organs thing. Pressure is bad enough out here, imagine sitting in a cube all day answering these stop questions. No Thank You.